getting out

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I woke up with a start. Crap I fell asleep. I look over at oliver and see he isn't anywhere to be found. "Oliver." I whisper and hear no response. I slowly get up and check the closet. No one is in there. I hear rustling in the bathroom. I reach for the handle and slowly push the door open. I look in the bathroom and sigh in relief when I see oliver putting on the chapstick. I push his shoulder and sigh out. "You scared the crap out of I didn't know where you went." He gives me a apologetic look. I walk back into the room and grab a pack of saltine crackers. "We better share so our food will last longer." I say giving him 2 of the crackers and saving 2 for myself. He nods and stuffs them into his face. He goes into the closet and starts to look around. I understand what he is doing a do a ounce over of the bathroom too. On second glance I find two hand towels, a travel size mouthwash, and more bandages. Lord this guys must have cut himself a lot. Oh well I'm not complaining. I come out and put the stuff in Oliver's backpack. I grab a gun and stand by the door. Oliver comes out with another knife, a small blanket, a long sleeve men's shirt, and a long sleeve woman's shirt. "I think this guy had a wife." Oliver says. I shrug and grab the shirt. "Well I'm thankful that he did." I say. I walk up to the door and crack it open peeking out. I see 2 corpses. We should be able to take them out easy. I close the door again and lock it. I look back at oliver. " there are 2 of 'em out there. If use knifes then we'll be able to take them out silently and not have the possibility of attracting others from the noise." He nods in agreement and hands me a knife. "One three OK?" I nod and mouth 'one,two,three'.

Dun dun dun CLIFFHANGER!!! what do you think will happen? Will they make it out alive? Are there other survivers? Keep reading to find out my darlings

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