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We come upon an old abandoned farm house. I stop and take a good look at it. I sigh and start to walk towards it. "Woah woah we are gonna go in there!! We have no idea what is in there. What if its a ton of corpses." Oliver starts to reason. I look back at him. "I'd rather take my chances in there then out here after dark. I don't know what's gonna happen out here after dark and I'd rather not find out." I angerly whisper at him. I turn back around and start walking up to the house. I hear oliver follow. I take out my gun when I reach the front door and motion oliver to do the same with his knife. I reach out and slowly open the door. I look inside and don't see anything but dust. I creep inside with oliver behind me. I go into the first bedroom I come across and thankfully see two twin beds and no corpses. I rush oliver inside and quickly close the door locking it. I sigh and look around the room. I see two doors which in guess are the bathroom and the closet. I motion oliver to get the door on the right while I get the one on the left. I quickly throw open the door and see a toilet and a shower and a sink but no corpse. I sigh in relief. I look over at oliver and mouth "its clear." He nods and quickly  throws open his door. I hear a bit of groaning. I walk over to the door and see oliver on top of a corpse with his knife in the dead guy's head. I looks up at me wide eyed then pulls his knife out of the dude. "He scared the crap out of me!" Oliver whisper yells. I laugh and motion oliver to help me pick him up. Oliver scrunches up his face and grabs his shoulders while I grab his feet. We walk over to the door and quickly throw him into the hallway and lock the door again. I go into the closet and start to go through the stuff in there. I grab 2 jackets probably gonna be to big for both of us but oh well. I look up at the shelves and pull down box. I quickly take off the lid and look through the box and I am completely startled by what I find. Crackers packages upon packages of just crackers. Peanutbutter and cheese, saltine, white cheddar, I even found a box of cheese its! "Holy crap we hit the jackpot." I say and see oliver out of the corner of my eye walk up behind me. He laughs and grabs a package of saltine crackers. "My dinner." He says tearing it open and popping one in his mouth. I grab a peanutbutter and cheese one. "Yum." I say laughing.

After we are finished I quickly put the rest of the crackers in my backpack. Along with the two jackets. I find another backpack and throw it at Oliver. He catches it and throws it on his bed putting his knife in the front pocket. I go into the bathroom and go through the cabinets. I found rubbing alcohol, peroxide, bandages, wrap bandages, and Advil. I open up the mirror and grab the comb in there, just because we are in the middle of the apocalypse doesn't mean my hair has to be tangled the whole time. I grab vaseline, more bandages, benadryl, and ChapStick. I take all the stuff into the room and shove it into Oliver's backpack. I go back into the closet and see a dresser I never saw before. I open the drawers a gasp. There are at least five guns in here and 3 knifes. I open another drawer and see 3 boxes of amo for the guns. I laugh and call Oliver over. "Looks like this guy was expecting the end of the world." I say putting the guns in my bag and the knifes in his. I pull both bags into the bedroom. "Alright I will take the first shift OK? I'll wake you up in 3 hours then its your turn." I say grabbing a gun and sitting on my bed facing the door. He nods and lays on the bed. And 5 minutes later I hear him snoring. I set my watch timer for 3 hours making sure to turn down the volume very low.

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