Chapter Four: Hotel Shenanigans

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"So the rules are simple. Don't get caught and if you do, help to find the rest of the bunch. When we're at our wits end and call it quits, we'll run to the beach to let you know the game is over for us so if you can't find someone then assume they're at the beach. Understood?" The boys nodded and I smiled. It was time for them to lose.

I stood there in my Forever 21 bikini [A/N: the picture linked with this chapter shows what the bikini looks like X3] while all the other guys were wearing swim trunks of their choice. This game was going to be fun.

"Okay, the game will start in a minute. Who wants to be it?" I asked.

"I do!" Trevor volunteered. Within seconds everyone ran away to find a hiding spot.

I started to run back into the hotel, but noticed that everyone was heading that way so I hid behind a plant until I saw everyone pass by. Especially Trevor. After they all passed, I came out of my hiding spot and made my way inside the hotel. None of the guys were in the lobby, so I walked leisurely through.

Then all of a sudden I was pulled into a dark closet. I was about to scream when my mouth was covered and I started freaking out. Who was this?

"Hey it's just me, Kian." His hand came off of my mouth and I smacked what I'm pretty sure was his arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Scaring the crap out of me! You could've been Damien for all I knew!" I crossed my arms across my chest. He took one of my hands in his.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize... I thought you would laugh..." He said sincerely. I sighed.

"Well I'm not laughing, am I?" I said tiredly as I took my hand back. "Are we in a cleaning supplies closet?"

"Yeah. I thought nobody would be able to guess this hiding spot," Kian said.

"How did you know I was coming?" I asked curiously.

"I saw you hide behind a plant while the rest of us ran inside," he said chuckling.

"Ha... Oh... Well um, wanna abandon the hotel and go to the beach? This game isn't actually what I expected," I said. "It's way more fun to play in my neighborhood." Kian laughed.

"Well I'm sorry we couldn't help to fulfill your expectations. The beach sounds like a great idea," he said amusedly. I grinned.

"Great! Let's go," I said and opened the door while pulling Kian out with me.

We made our way out to the beach and stood there for a few moments.

"Hawaii is so beautiful," Kian said. I smiled.

"It definitely is," I said looking around the beach. Having lived here for so long, you would think that I got used to the view but I never did.

"Wanna go into the water?" Kian asked. I nodded and grabbed his hand without thinking and led him to the water. "You're holding my hand," he said in a kind of shock. I giggled.

"Why thank you Captain Obvious. Yes I'm holding your hand," I said smiling. We had reached the water by now, and Kian was studying my face. "What? You should take a picture. It lasts longer than impolitely staring," I said with a fake disapproving face.

"Then maybe I will. Wouldn't want to offend anyone," Kian said as he took out his phone and began taking pictures of me. I instantly covered my face to try and hide.

"I didn't mean it literally!" I laughed and ran away from him.

I didn't get far before Kian grabbed me from behind and spun me around before he set me on the ground again to face him.

"I can't help that you're so beautiful," he said as he looked deeply into my eyes. 

It was the kind of intense look that came from someone who was really looking at you. Like there was nothing else that they'd rather look at...

I had to look away and step back from Kian. I didn't deserve that kind of look. And I definitely wasn't worth the time for the feelings behind that look.

"I-..." I started.

"There you guys are! We've been looking all over for you two!" Sam said as he and the rest of the guys ran up to us. I cleared my throat and mustered up a smile.

"Well we've been here most of the time. We decided to ditch the game and just wait here for you guys instead of hiding and waiting to be found," I said and laughed.

"Just a moment ago it seemed like there was another reason behind why you left the game..." JC said grinning at Kian and me.

"It was nothing JC," Kian said. I must've misread him or something... I mean of course he wouldn't have any feelings for me, right? I was just me.

"So! Any other ideas of what to do next?" I asked to try and change the subject.

" Well we are at the beach in Hawaii... Might as well enjoy it while we have it," Connor said. I nodded and beamed.

"Brilliant idea, Connor."

The rest of the guys ran into the water and instantly started splashing each other. I laughed. They looked crazy.

It didn't take me too long to join them in their water fight. We stayed there for hours having fun and playing in the water.

But all the while that moment with Kian kept bugging me. 

[A/N: Hey guys! So I know it's been FOREVER since the last time I updated this story but here it is finally! I hope there are people out there actually reading this haha X3 Comment what you think so far ^^ All my love, xoxo.]

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