old dangers, new threats

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//@NickQz_ your horse is coming up :>//

Kion woke up the morning after Senn and Ria had bounded for the nether. He sat up to see Serina sitting up in her bed toying with her blade, she looked up as she realized the voltaris was awake.
"Hey Kion, I was hoping we could spar a bit," she wondered. Kion smiled and walked over to his sword propped up against the wall. "Sure, maybe only a little bit though."
Both were interrupted when Aviara ran inside, a confused expression painted across her face.
"Has anyone seen Artemis?"
"Artemis. He's a whitish-grayish stallion. I left him by the camp and now he's gone," she explained.
"Maybe someone took him when they left by accident?" Serina guessed.
"No, I told them it was my horse so don't take it, and I even separated it from the rest of the group, so I don't know how he got loose," she informed.
Kion thought for a moment, when he suddenly remembered seeing a kaltaris a bit younger than Senn ride after the warriors on a horse similar to the one Aviara had described.
"Aviara, yesterday I saw a kaltaris leave on a horse similar to yours," he said. Aviara raised an eyebrow. "I thought he was just late and that's why he was speeding away," she replied.
She stood silently for a moment until she turned and walked out of the cave towards the camp the warriors had stayed at. Kion followed her but stopped when he noticed a note held in place by a rock on the ground near the cave entrance.
Aviara stopped when Kion called out her name, and went over to him to see the note in his hand. He handed it to her which she read.

I would appreciate you watching over a kaltaris child we rescued while we're in battle. Sorry for any problems this may cause, but we obviously can't bring him since he's too young and inexperienced with combat and songs.
I hope you understand,

Aviara's eyes widened as she read the note, realizing why her horse was gone, who the kaltaris really was, and where he would be soon.
"Oh no.." She quickly ran inside and grabbed a piece of paper. She began to write as Kion and Serina came up beside her.
"What's wrong Ky'Aviara?" Serina asked, trying to see the scribbled note.
"I obviously can't go stop him since he took my horse, but I can try and send a messenger bird to Senn and Ria before he catches up," she explained as she picked up the paper and ran outside. Serina and Kion ran after her.
"What happens if he catches up?" She asked.
A bird flew towards the sendaris as she handed it the note, and it quickly flew off once given instructions. Aviara turned to the voltaris.
"They're heading to the nether. They're having a full force battle in a nether fortress. If he gets caught in that.." She didn't have to finish for Serina and Kion to know what she meant.
"Let's just hope they can stop him in time.."
                                                             .        .        .
Galleous sat up in his sleeping bag, any effort of falling asleep having been long gone. He stood up and walked out of his room and down the hallway, careful not to wake up anyone else in the other rooms.
He reached the main room to see Igneous reading, not surprising. The magnorite stopped reading at the presence of Galleous.
"Hello Galleous, couldn't sleep?" He asked, lowering his book.
"Yeah, what about yourself?" He asked. "Well, you may already know that magnorites don't need to eat, we don't need to sleep either," he explained.
Galleous sat down for a moment before asking, "how did you survive the explosion? Was it just luck, or is there something else that happened?"
Igneous thought of a good way to answer. "Probably just luck, when Malakai had me defeated, I detonated the tnt next to me and was thrown away and trapped under the debris from the collapse. Malakai wasn't so lucky, got a tnt straight in the face."
"Well news went around that the leader of K'arthen had been killed, due to the actions of a brave magnorite. You were known as a hero, if it wasn't for you, Cydonia and K'arthen may have never united," Galleous stated.
Igneous smiled a bit.
"It was you who assisted in me finding Aren in the first place, and also Borgen for telling me Malakai's plan," Igneous pointed out.
Galleous suddenly went quiet and stood up. Igneous was silent for a moment before standing up as well.
"Do you hear that?" Galleous turned his attention to the door leading outside.
"I hear it."
There was something outside, they could tell. It almost sounded like... fighting. And lots of it.
Galleous and Igneous ran outside to see many zombies scattered across the farm and skeletons firing arrows at John, Katherine, and an iron golem who were busy taking down the undead.
A creeper charged at the two, making them both dive in different ways. John barreled towards them.
"John what happened?!" Galleous asked in shock, still stunned by the sudden attack.
"A hoard of undead decided to attack the farm, no half-deads so far, but a lot of undead!"
A skeleton fired an arrow at Igneous, which quickly bent and snapped from impact before falling into the grass. He noticed the iron golem get beaten back a bit and decided to help it out.
The zombies turned their attention from the golem to the approaching magnorite and began charging towards him. Igneous easily began punching any away that got close, most of them were taken out by Katherine, who had begun firing arrows at the vulnerable undead.
"Igneous behind you!" A voice yelled. The magnorite quickly whirled around to see a creeper standing behind him, a second away from exploding. He quickly punched it backwards before the explosion could kill him, but was thrown back a bit as well, his obsidian arm loosening.
Another creeper began making its way towards the magnorite, but quickly stopped when a glowing shard of sorts sailed towards the mob.
It missed and landed on the ground below him. Igneous' eyes widened as a large cluster of spikes exploded from the ground and pierced the unsuspecting creeper, killing it instantly.
He turned his head to see Killion standing in the doorway, realizing he was the one who had thrown the shard. Tygren ran past him and began to skillfully cut down a row of skeletons, all failing to prevent the attack.
One of them sent an arrow in John's direction, which he blocked with his sword.
Another shot towards him from the side, but slowed to a stop as a green energy began to envelop it, also song energy. Aurevia dispersed of the Supporium as the arrow fell to the ground. Val flew over the skeleton who had fired the arrow, killing it with a strike of her arm blade.
She looked ahead as she landed by a large group of undead. Immediately, the skeletons readied their arrows to fire. Val cut the arrows out of the air before they could do any damage, but was struggling to parry the attack.
She didn't notice a swarm of zombies were heading towards her from behind until someone else did.
Another one of the farmers ran towards the hoard with nothing but a stone sword. He brought his weapon down on a large stone, sounding a clang around the undead and temporarily stunning them. Katherine noticed this and quickly used the opportunity to shoot down as many undead as she could, the farmer took out the ones who managed to recover.
Eventually, the remaining undead retreated into the woods. Val pulled her arm blade out of one last zombie before turning to the others. "Everyone alright?" She got a bunch of nods and yeah's in return.
"What was that all about?" Tygren eyed the large amount of deceased undead scattered across the farm. John shrugged. "They came from the woods, didn't seem to have a leader."
"Maybe they were drawn to something, is there anything you might have in mind?" Galleous asked. Katherine shook her head. "Not anything that I can think of, no."
"They're probably going to attack more frequently now, since we have half-deads and capitals falling to deal with. They are gaining intelligence after all," the farmer guessed.
"Hope it ends soon. Last I heard the Enderknights were teaming up with the ardoni in an attack on their base," Killion hoped. Aurevia nodded in agreement.
"I'll stay up, just in case more undead come," the farmer grabbed his sword and walked off with Katherine.
"I'll help as well if they do," Igneous turned and followed them off. John turned to the ardoni. "Pinkolson farm gets usual problems with undead every now and then, it's never been that bad before, sorry you guys had to deal with that."
"You have nothing to apologize for, these attacks aren't just here, they're everywhere. And I have faith that our forces will end this war," Galleous said.
"I sure hope so," John mumbled before walking away.
                                                             .        .        .
Thalleous bounded through Northwind, having been on the move for several hours now. He glanced at the list in his hand. There were two half-deads in southeastern Northwind, yet he hadn't seen a sign of dead.
He walked for a bit longer before he began to hear voices on the wind. They slowly began to grew. Thalleous stopped moving to try and make out where they were coming from, but they kept slowly growing louder and closer. It was then he realized they were coming towards him.
He quickly whirled around and ducked inside a small trench just as two half-deads walked past. He deactivated his Weapoblade to hide his presence from their knowledge.
"So when are we getting attacked?" One of them, a half skeleton, asked the other, who seemed more interested in his iron dagger than the conversation at hand.
"Hmm what?"
"When are the ardoni and Enderknights attacking Helltorch?"
Thalleous stood up a bit to listen more.
Helltorch, Hadias was right when he considered them being there.
The two didn't seem to notice the sendaris and kept on walking, either following a path or simply exploring and looking for threats.
"How should I know when they attack? Let's just hope they don't obliterate out fortress when they do."
Thalleous stood up as they vanished from sight.
Maybe I can follow them and find their base.
Thalleous considered the option a bit before re-summoning his Weapoblade and Mobiliflashing after the half-deads.

//Still trying to decide if I should mention Levi and Evan again, feel like it's pointless though -_-//

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