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Kitsuna rode Windstead through the jungles of Felden. It had been about ten minutes since her mom had told her to head to Felora.
She noticed a watchtower as she rode by, considering if she should stop. She eventually shook her head.
My mom wanted me to go to Felora, that's what I'll do.
. . .
Around fifteen more minutes later, the young felina stumbled upon a path heading West. She noticed some felinas up the road.
This must lead to Felora.
Kitsuna tapped Windstead's rear with her ankle, and he began sprinting down the dirt path.
As she got closer to the end of the path, she realized it indeed lead to Felora.
And it was crowded.
A group of felinas were gathered at the end of the path, unknowing of the oncoming stallion. When they got close, Kitsuna managed to bring the horse to a sharp halt, making him suddenly rise up on his hooves and slam them on the ground, the felinas gathered startled by the sudden outburst.
Kitsuna tried to reassure Windstead while a few bystanders attempted to calm it down, but he continued to thrash about.
Eventually, Kitsuna was thrown to the ground when her horse rose up again. She started to get up when she heard a familiar voice.
"Kitsuna? Is that you?"
She raised her head to see a brown haired human running towards the crowd, followed by a felina. The human male approached the younger felina and helped her on her feet, the horse finally calming down.
"What's this all about, what are you doing here? Where's Kimion and Melina?" The felina came up next to the human, her face written in concern and confusion. Kitsuna looked down.
"They.... they're dead," she mumbled, loud enough for the human and felina to hear. Both stared at each other in shock, then back at the child.
"Dead?! How?!" The felina questioned.
Kitsuna grimaced slightly, remembering what was supposed to be a fishing trip. She slowly revealed some information. "We... we went to a lake east of Looma watchtower, and we were attacked by a horde of zombies. Mom sent me here."
The felina was still in shock, then nodded understandably. "I see, it is indeed a great sorrow if your parents have passed, but at least you survived." She patted Kitsuna's shoulder slightly, then turned to the human.
"Lucan, go tell the officials about this, I'll take care of Kitsuna."
The human nodded, then turned away and ran off. The felina then turned back to Kitsuna. "We should head inside, we'll be more comfortable there."
. . .
William ran through a long hallway formed in nether bricks, holding another handful of papers.
The mystic looked over the fiery fortress of Helltorch, a menacing grin painted across her face. She turned her head at hearing the human approach.
"Read the reports before I rip your head off," the mystic said sarcastically, though William thought she meant it, and began fishing through paper after tattered paper. He finally stopped on one in the middle.
"Yes master, first, New Voltaria has been destroyed, along with its residents."
She smiled."Good. What else?"
"We have sent an army of our undead to the portal region to seize King Vulcannes, and from their last report, they should be coming back as we speak, their success is unknown, unfortunately," he informed. The mystic's smile dropped slightly, but only for a moment. "I have trust in my armies. I believe in their success," she said while looking back at a ghast flying overhead.
"And... lastly, Corrupt has successfully terminated Avion Sendaris, his companion, however, fled to the overworld," William stated. The mystic's smile dropped slightly, then she smiled again. "He's interfered with our plot for too long, his fate was inevitable." She faked a laugh, though William didn't notice. "But- master, his companion-"
"I don't give a nether about his companion. He won't last a week out there, by Rendor he might not even last a day. Even if he did survive, what would he do?" The mystic watched a phantom fly overhead and land in front of her. William then decided to say something that would cost his life.
"I don't know.. he would tell Ardonia about us..?"
The mystic was quiet. William backed away slightly. Suddenly, a dark purple energy wooshed around the human, lifting him off the ground. He began to panic, as the mystic's eyes turned a glowing amethyst purple.
"You're only alive because you chose to side with us. Don't make me change my mind."
William tried to pull himself away from those hypnotizing eyes, their glowing form piercing through him like a knife.
"I want-"
She suddenly dispersed of the magic as a wither skeleton began walking towards her, followed by his skeleton army. He spoke in a dark, cold voice.
"We suffered major casualties, but we managed to successfully capture the king." He stepped the side to reveal a Vulcannus in chains, four skeletons guarding him on both sides. The netheran looked up at the mystic, his eyes filled with dreaded hate.
"Kai, you won't get away with this menacing plot you wish to unleash!" He spat, his voice evident with anger. The mystic rolled her eyes. "Believe me, this is just the beginning." She turned away from the skeletons. "Throw him in the cells with our other prisoner."
. . .
Vulcannus landed with a thud on the cold stone prison floor, a wither skeleton slamming the door shut behind him and leaving him alone.
Or so he thought.
"You must be King Vulcannus, of the nether realm."
The netheran began to look in all directions, startled by the sudden voice, but there was something about that voice, it was... familiar.
"I'm to your right," the voice said again. Vulcannus looked to his right, in the other cell, he saw a faintly glowing figure. Definitely an ardoni.
"Who are you?" The netheran asked. The figure looked up at him, telling him everything.
"My name is Achillean Nestoris. I am the Tidesinger."


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