Chapter 3

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I made my way into the bathroom, which is connected to my bedroom, deciding to have a bath before work. I lay down on my bed, completely nude, waiting for the water to full up the tub. I added some scented bubble bath, and lit a candle hoping that something would help me calm down, but it doesn't seem to be working. Eventually, I decided to get out of the bath and get ready for work. When I got to the bar, I was ten minutes late on purpose, Clark was already packing up to leave. He knows that I am never late.

"I'm out. See ya tomorrow." Confused on why he isn't mad at me for being ten minutes late, I give him a little wave, and with that he grabs his bag and walks out the door, with his posse behind him. I placed my bag under the counter and got started. During my free time, I would edit my resume. I need this job badly, but not enough to work for my parents. They are not the nicest people to work for and I can't blame the people who were fired or even quit. My parents would be doing them a favour when they would fire someone. I was so happy to leave. They were mentally abusive, always putting me down because I couldn't do things the way my 'perfect' sister would. I don't hate my sister for being the better daughter, they showed us how quickly your life can change just because of a promotion. They were never always like how they are now. Until about fourth grade is when they started to get busy. That is when they started to distance themselves from us. They stopped being the ones to drop us off at school or pick us up, they would always send a driver to pick us up. Then we started to walk home when we were old enough, then Katie got her license and a car and we started to drive ourselves to school. I feel like we grew up too fast and they missed it.

Before I know it I'm standing outside of the now-closed bar placing my headphones in my ears and hitting shuffle. Gasoline by Halsey starts playing. Story of my life. I nod my head and skip along to the beat. Clark gives me Tuesdays and Wednesdays off now that I have to work all week. They are the slowest days of the week with everyone back to work. Weekends are the busiest. He schedules me alone because the other bartender is his cousin and she is pretty lazy, and Clark doesn't really do much about it. I like to say that I am the talent in this business. But we all gotta learn from someone. My person was Scott Bridges. He was the talent here before me.

When I first started working here there was this guy that was here at the time. He was the one that trained me. He was a few years older than me and I had just got this job, I had no experience in this field. He was kind to show me 'the ropes' as he called it. He trained me for a good week before he said that I was ready to do a shift alone. He said that he would stick around to help if I need it but he thought I was ready. After a few days I had gotten into a rhythm of my own and it gave me the confidence my parents said I would never get on my own. I proved them wrong. I started to develop feelings for this guy and I built up the courage to ask him out because I thought he liked me too. I started walking up to him but just before I got to him, this blonde walks up to him and kisses him. I stopped dead in my tracks. Disappointed and slightly embarrassed I grabbed my bag from under the counter and made my way out of the bar and just before I turned the corner where I parked my car I felt a hand lightly grab my arm and turn me around. I can start to feel tears build up.

"What do you want Scott?" I say, not making eye contact.

"Why didn't you say goodbye like you usually do?" I can feel him staring at me. 


"What's going on Holly? Why are you crying?" I hadn't realized I was crying. He takes a step closer and places his hands on my shoulders. I took a step back only to lose my balance. I landed flat on my back and Scott had tried to catch me but ended up on top of me. It takes him a second to break the intense eye contact. We come back to reality to a female voice calling out Scott's name. He gets up and apologizes for the millionth time and walks away. I came in the next day to find that he had quit for no reason and that was the last time that I saw him.

I wake up the next morning, to an overly excited Katie jumping up and down on my bed.

"Happy Birthday! How does it feel to be 21? Man I remember when I was your age. So young, so innocent."

"Katie, you were 21 not that long ago. You're not that old yet." I laugh and she does too. There is a knock at the door.

"Is it safe to come in?" I hear Derek ask from the other side of the door.

"Yes, it is safe." I say as I pull a shirt over my head. The door slowly opens.

"Happy birthday. Here is your present from us." She hands me a little envelope and a cupcake.

"What's this?" I pulled out two plane tickets. I look up to the two of them smiling.

"Tickets to London? Guys this is too expensive. You didn't have to do that." Katie stands up and walks out of the room for a second and walks back in with two large suitcases.

"You said you always wanted to visit London. So here you go. Better start packing we leave in 2 hours." She and Derek walk out the door. I look over at the clock. 7 AM. What about work? I follow them into the kitchen.

"What about work?" Katie pours me a cup of coffee, black, just how I like it, and hands it to me and sighs.

"As hard as it was, I talked to Clark and convinced him to hire a replacement. We will be gone for one week. You deserve the break. And don't worry, Derek is staying home."

"Well I wasn't wondering that actually but I hope you know that I am very grateful for this gift. We still have time to cancel, you know." She smiles as she takes a sip of her coffee that she poured right before mine.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. We are doing this baby. Besides, our wedding is coming up soon and our honeymoon is two weeks long and I wanted to do something with you before I sign away my innocence." She walks over to me and throws her arms around my shoulder.

"Sign away your innocence, huh?" Derek says, chuckling into his cup. "What innocence?" Katie walks over to him and punches his arm.

"Ow. What was that for?" He rubs his arm with a sad look on his face.

"You deserved it." I placed my now empty cup into the sink and made my way to my bedroom to start packing.


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