Chapter 13

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I've never written anything like this before so sorry in advance if it's bad. 


"Scott?" I say. He walks over and gives me a hug. I hesitate to hug him back. 

"Scott Bridges. It's been a while." I say as he pulls away. He looks exactly like he did when he was here years ago.  

"Holly Morren. It has. How have you been?" He asks moving behind the counter, making himself a drink that he always has, a whiskey neat. It's sad that I still know that. 

"So, why are you here Scott?"I ask in total curiosity. He downs his first drink and making himself another. "You know you have to pay for those right?" He lowers his glass from his lips. 

"Well to answer your first question, Clark called me up and told me that a certain someone," he says pointing at me, "got another job and is only working one day a week so he needed a helping hand. And to answer your second question, as a part of my agreement on coming back, I get all the free drinks I want." So that's why Clark was so understanding with me about the Sunday situation. He's replacing me. "And I am here to relieve you of your duties." He downs the third drink and his expression changes. He places his empty glass on the counter and slowly starts making his way closer to me. For every step he takes I take one back. 

"What happened to the blonde girl you were with the night before you left?" I ask, hoping it would distract him. He shrugs, "That was only a one-night thing. It was over the morning I left." The closer he was, the more uncomfortable I was getting. I eventually get to the back room and I try and slam the door, only to get his fingers. I hear him grunt from the other side of the door. He pushes the door open, knocking me to the floor. 

"You little b--" Is all I hear when he slaps me across the face. I let out a whimper. I look up at him, tears starting to form. The ones you can't stop no matter how hard you try.   

"What happened to you Scott?" I ask, genuinely curious. The slap still throbbing my cheek. The tears running down my face.

"What happened to the Scott that was kind, caring-"

"Yeah well, I guess you never really knew me." He interrupts me. His eyes burning into mine. His pupils are small, I think he might be on something.

He makes his way over to me, his eyes never leaving mine, making me break eye contact with him. I can still feel his gaze burn the side of my head. I feel his hands wrap around my arms, lifting me off of the ground. I look back up at him, his face plastered with an evil grin. His grip on my arms tighten.

"Let me go, Scott. You're hurting me." He ignores my plea. His face inches closer to mine, his lips that I once desired a long time ago pressed forcefully against my neck, leaving kisses up and down my neck. I'm kicking and screaming but his hands grip harder on my arms making me whimper in pain. I try and push him off of me.

"Stop trying..." kiss "to push me..." kiss "away, Holly..." kiss "Besides, I thought you wanted this, I thought you wanted me." He says in between kisses.

"No, Scott. I thought you were different. I can see that you're on drugs. You need help."

He stops kissing my neck. He looks back at me, anger covering his face. He just stares and me for a second before I continue. "I can help you. I can get you help. My boyfriend had a sister who overdosed, he can help. Please. Just stop." I say holding back my tears. I fear that I just made it worse.

He lets go of me and takes a few steps back, pacing back and forth.

"Scott, please. Just let me go." He doesn't say another word. I just stand there, not knowing what to do. He stops for a second then slowly walks to the door. Just when I thought he was going to leave, he locks the door then slowly turns around so he's facing me again. He walks back over to me and continues kissing my neck, not saying a word. I wiggle from discomfort.

"Scott, please. Stop." I say, tears running down my face.

"Oh come on Holly. I promise I'll make it pleasurable." He smirks. His arms snake around my waist, his fingertips playing with the hem of my shirt, pulling it off within seconds. My arms cover my chest. His expression changes again. He raises his hand and slaps me again.

"Don't cover-up." My hand flies straight to my face covering the stinging red area from where he just slapped.

"Sorry," I whisper. His hands move down to his jeans, undoing his button and unzipping his pants, pulling them down to the floor.

"Scott, please don't do this," I beg. He doesn't respond.

"Take off your pants." He demands. I stare at him, knowing this will probably make him mad, not listening to him. He raises his hand and I flinch but he doesn't hit me. "What did I say?" He questions. "Take. Off. Your. Pants." He demands again. I do what he says. I threw them over to the side. He pulls me from the wall by my legs so I am flat on the floor, underneath him.

"You don't have to do this Scott," I say as my final plea. He just smirks, and that was it. Scott grunted and groaned in my ear. He told me to keep my arms around his neck and not to move them and I did what I was told. He moaned out my name a few times when all of a sudden my phone vibrates a few feet away from us, on the counter.

"Ahh, it's the boyfriend I presume." I nod. We had our ringtones changes so we could tell when we call each other. "You can call him later. We're busy." He smirks and continues on thrusting my sanity away.

I drop my arms so my body is limp on the cold hardwood floor. He is becoming sloppy. At least he has the courtesy to pull out.

"Good girl." He says as he finishes. He pats my head and gets dressed, leaving me on the floor. "Clean up and get out. We close early today and I don't want to see you in this bar again. Leave your keys on the counter on your way out." He says coldly. He unlocks the door and walks away. A few seconds later I can hear the doorbell go off meaning he is gone.

I lay there staring at the ceiling, crying quietly. After a few minutes go by, I gather the strength to drag my body across the room to grab my phone. With a lot of struggle, I eventually made it to the counter to grab my phone. I dial Katie's number hoping that she would pick up knowing it's late. After a few rings, I hear a groggy Katie answer the phone.

I just cry silently into the phone. Not knowing what to say to her. Should I explain to her what happened? What should I do?

A soft voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Holly, I'm coming to get you." I cry harder.

"Please don't hang up." Is all I can manage to say.

"I won't, I promise. I'll be there soon." I lay in the cold room, even though she hasn't said a word, it still gives me a little comfort.


I'm really sorry. Like I said before I have never written something like this before and I have changed the maturity rating in the settings. From now on there will be swearing. 

love love love -I

(I'm stealing his saying now lol)  

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