Chapter 12

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It's the morning after my birthday and I fell asleep on the couch, the light of the sun shining into my eyes, causing me to cover my eyes with my hand until I realize I was lying on a weird shaped pillow. I sit up slowly, rubbing my eyes so I can see what I was lying on when I heard a soft snore. I saw that that pillow was Louis. I try to check my phone to see what time it was but it's dead. I touch the screen of Louis'. It says 6:59 AM. I realize that Louis has to be at the airport by 7:30 and the ride to the airport is half an hour. I look back at Louis, seeing how handsome he looks sleeping, I shake my head hoping the action rid any thoughts like that. 

"Louis," I say. I repeat myself till he shifts and his hand rubs his eyes. As soon as his ocean blue eyes make contact with mine he smiles. I smile back forgetting about the time for a second. Until I remember what time it was. 

"I really don't want to ruin the moment but we fell asleep and didn't set an alarm and it's 7 AM, and you have to get to the airport our you'll miss your flight." He touches the screen of his phone, his screensaver a picture of me and him that I don't remember being taken. 

"It was a picture that your sister had taken on the night we met in London." He says not caring about the time. I smile. He gets up and starts to gather his things. He grabs his keys, wallet, and his phone that was on the table next to an empty pizza box and a half-empty donut box that we decided to get from Katie's bakery while we waited for the pizza. I had decided that I was going to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt last night and I regretted it immediately. He goes to grab his sweater but I walk over to him before he does and I snatch it before he could get to it. I look up at him with puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine." Is all he says. As we were standing at the door he leans in closer and kisses me. His hands moving up to my face to deepen the kiss. I move my hand to the back of his neck, running my other hand through his hair. We pull apart, his hands move to the door handle to open the door. 

"I'll call you as soon as I land, okay." I can feel tears starting to form, dreading the time that we have to spend apart. He says that he doesn't know when he'll be able to fly back but he'll try and call every day. I half-smile. He moves his hand back to my face, holding my cheek. I lean into his hand as I feel a tear run down my face. His thumb quickly wipes it away. 

"Don't cry, we can make this work. I promise." That was the last thing I hear before he was out the door. As he was walking to his car, I yell to him out of fear and I guess, curiosity, "I love you!" I don't know if he heard me so I quickly close the door. What have I done?  I think to myself, letting my body slide down the door, along with a tear down my cheek. I hear a knock at the door. I contemplate not answering it, thinking it's not important but my gut tells me to answer it, so I do. 

"I love you too." He says, opening the door wider and colliding his face gently with mine. I smile into the kiss. Our hands exploring each other's facial features, our mouths exploring each others. He pulls away, again, leaving me in awe. Another tear runs down my face, this time a happy tear. 


I called Louis to wish him a happy birthday but I missed him, which doesn't bother me, I understand that he is with his family so I left him a message and he called me on Christmas to wish me a Merry Christmas and to thank me for his birthday message. I told him I got him a birthday present and a Christmas present but he can't have them until we are face to face again.


 It's been two weeks since Louis has left and I'm doing alright. It was hard not being together for New Years' but we facetimed and it was good. We have been facetiming every Saturday after that at 12:30 AM because it would be 8:30 AM in London. I'm at the bar till 4 AM anyway so might as well use my time wisely. I had to tell Clark that I can't do Sundays anymore because I'm off at 4 AM and I need to be at the office by 7:30 on Monday morning, which he weirdly understood, what is up with this man? Turns out Sally is not coming back to the office, so Scott told me that the job is mine. She had decided that she will be an at-home mom because her husband got a promotion. I'm happy for them. It's sad that I didn't get to know her though. She seems really nice. 

The hours dragged at the bar but it is finally 12:30. I pull my phone out of my back pocket of my jeans and dial Louis's number. The ringing stops and his face pops up on my screen.

"Hey, good morning," I say.  I can see that he is still laying in bed, his hair a mess. 

"Good morning to you too I guess. What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm in the back sorting through boxes and checking the stock and all that fun stuff," I answer, turning my camera around to show him the boxes that I have to go through and move to the front. 

"That sounds like fun. I'm so glad to hear your voice. I've missed you so much. I know that we just talked a week ago but still." He smiles.

'Awe, I miss you too." I hear the doorbell go off. "I'll be right there," I yell to the customer.

"I guess you have to go." He says, frowning into the camera. 

"Yeah, but we will talk soon. I love you, wow I'm still not used to saying that." I laugh.

"Yeah, I hear you there. I love you too." We hang up. I grab the box that I need to take out the front and took it with me where the customer is probably eagerly waiting for their drink. "Sorry for taking so long." I place the box down and look up at the man that was standing there waiting for me. I stop dead in my tracks. 



Ps. not the firm Scott, her mentor Scott


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