He smirked. "You want me to stay for a little longer?"

"N-no," I cleared my throat. "As if."

Seokjin reached out, tracing my jaw with his finger, eyes all lazy and dark. "Not that I blame you. Who wouldn't want such a handsome man around?"

I closed my eyes briefly. Out of all people, I got married and stuck with a narcissist who's got a big heart and good looks. How can I resist such a person?

"What are we doing?" The words came out before I could do anything and just like that, Seokjin dropped his hand.

I opened my eyes, almost afraid to see him but I was surprised to see that his expression was soft.

"I don't know," he answered, honestly.

My heart ached at his words as I whispered, "I don't know too."

"We're not willing to open up to one another, Shortcake," Seokjin said with a small smile. "Not to mention, the problem is still here so we can't avoid it."

The problem. Yes. The reason why we're married is because of this problem, isn't it? I wanted to slap myself for expecting... no, for wanting more. It's not possible. For someone like me, I'm not sure how to love and care for others. I'll just be a burden.

I took a step away from him, turning my back to him. "I should get back to work."

Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel him hesitating. After what seems like ages, the door opened and closed behind me, leaving me standing there in silence.

You're going to take them away from me, aren't you? I thought to myself as my father's face popped up in my mind. Just like you took my mother and everything I've ever cared about.

But maybe... just maybe, it was better this way for everyone.


"Why do you look so scared?" Seokjin asked me as we walked out of the airport. "It's a private schedule."

"What if you guys have people stalking you?" I whispered.

After Seokjin left, I spent the rest of the day and night rebuilding and reconstructing my walls. I also mustered the strength to text my father, telling him that I will see him when I'm finished with my work. It was a lie but at least that made him stop calling me. He was smart enough not to text or leave voicemails though. The only thing we have in common is that we don't want others to know about our relationship. The abuse was something that we kept quiet and private.

"You're fully covered up," Seokjin told me before offering me his hand. I hesitated and then slipped my hand into his just as he squeezed my hand before holding our clasped hands up, "I've got you too."

I sighed and nodded. I could feel the others' eyes on us but right now, we're acting all lovey-dovey. We are married after all. If anyone was to spot us, it's better to look like we're in love to avoid having any articles written about our strained relationship.

All my worries almost disappeared but then I saw a girl with glasses smiling and waving her hands at us. I tensed at that. Then she started jogging towards us and I froze on the spot... until she passed us.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jimin drop his bags to the ground just as the girl threw herself in his arms. He took a few steps back to steady himself before pulling down his face mask.

"You," Jimin scolded. "Don't do that again."

"I missed you so much," she murmured, nuzzling against him, ignoring his scowl.

At her words, Jimin's face warmed, "I know. I missed you too."

"Let's get out of here before we draw any more attention," Namjoon said, passing us and walking towards the vans.

Jimin pulled away from the girl and grabbed his bags before reaching out and holding her hand. "Come on," he smiled at her before putting his mask back into place.

I stared at Seokjin, confused.


I frowned. "It's not like I want to know." But I do feel a little hurt to be left out... then again, maybe Jimin doesn't see me as a friend. It did take a little longer for him to be able to approach me or say a few words to me.

I shook my head to clear it. No. It doesn't matter anyways.

Well, all that sure disappeared fast because Jimin and that mysterious girl were in the same van as us. I tried to pretend to be really interested in my phone or the scenery but then Jimin called out my name.

"Ah, noona," Jimin said, leaning towards me as he pulled down his mask. "This is my girlfriend, Miyoung."

I suspected she might be but it was still a surprise to hear this from Jimin. As if she knew what I was thinking, Miyoung reached out and squeezed my hand with a warm smile on her face.

I blinked at her and then turned to Jimin, "Huh?"

Jimin smiled, sheepishly, "I always meet with her secretly so I haven't had the chance to tell you about her. I figured it'll be better to introduce you to her face-to-face rather than just tell you, you know?"

"But... why would you tell me?" My heart thumped as I waited for Jimin's answer to my question. Maybe it was the fear or maybe it was because I'm not ready to hear what his answer is.

Jimin blinked slowly and then moved away from me before studying me for a brief moment, "Because you're family."

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