"Bakugo and midoriya have the main roles !!!!"

It wasn't that surprising... I mean... this is literally the most normal thing to ever occur in their live. But still, after all they have been through, the world did not seem to give them a shred of tranquility. Uraraka spoke first, clutching onto her phone with confusion and desperation to know more. "It seems like bakugo is playing 'The Dragon King' and midoriya is playing....... deku ? Why did they just use his stage name ?" She scratched her head, still in shock with the outlandish information. Tsu turned around the face her, though Iida's large body was in the way, who was equally as complexed. "Probably because bakugo doesn't have one so they just kinda gave role name." She explained bluntly, placing her comically oversized index finger over the crevasses of her bottom lip. Jirou joined in with the ladies conversation, even though everyone else was listening with curious ears.
"Don't you think this is a tad unfair on them ? They just got settled in, do you think it's wise for them to be put under so much pressure alr-" suddenly, the sound of high-fives and the creaking of chairs scraping interrupted the purple haired girl's worries, as bakugo and midoriya had taken the liberty to double high-five guys each other with celebration. "FUCK YEA BUN WE DID IT !!" Bakugo exclaimed, not even realising his PDA couple nickname slipped out whilst deku was nodding profusely with exclamation. 'They are not even trying to pretend that they aren't excited!' The rest of the class thought in unison, watching the unusually happy and energetic couple start bouncing around like children. Momo stood up, not wanting to interrupted the couple's euphoria, but wanting to assert herself so that her voice could be heard by her teacher. "Hey, it seems like all the main roles and supporting roles are mostly from this class ? Is that ok ? We don't want this to be one-sided." Momo carefully expressed her worries, which warranted the rest of the class to re-check the list and nod with agreement. Their shaggy teacher sighed, not actually wanting to talk or be involved at that given time. But he knew his class deserved an explanation, after all, they did work hard. "You were chosen according to your outstanding performances during the auditions. As sad as it may be considering you are all first year, this class is truly ahead of the curve." He genuinely complimented his students, feeling a hint of pride pang in his heart for watching his problem children grow.

The class seemed content with that, whilst also feeling happiness well up inside. The class resumed to ideal chatter, the classroom filling up with words of disbelief and excitement. "Man... bakugo and deku managed to snag the leading roles after their game must have been rusty. These guys are on a whole other level!!" Kirishima whispered over towards sero, who smiled back at him with a toothy grin. "Brings a whole new meaning to a power couple." Sero remarked, a clever quip that was all too true. "Quite down problem children !! In case you have forgotten but we are in the middle of a class ! Rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday in the great hall, that was all I needed to tell you. Now, let proceed-" Aizawa sighed, as the bell had interrupted his proceedings for the lesson, but alas, it was lunch time which only meant that he could go and have a long deserved nap in the meantime. "Nethermind... bugger off the lunch then.... I need a nap." He spoke, before exiting the classroom with his hands in his pockets, leaving the class to their twisted excited shenanigans.


"WOAH YOU GUYS!! THAT IS SUPER AWESOME !!! YOU CHARACTERS SOUND SUPER AWESOME!!" Kirishima practically screeched from the top of his lungs, piercing the eardrums of most of his classmates who gathered around the congratulated couple. They were bombarded with questions, most without any answers or logic, just over exaggerated conspiracies on how the hell they got the main roles on their first try, especially considering it's a whole school production. Third years usually get priority, but considering the big three were already chosen to be the directors, the rest of the third year talent line up was slim. Nonetheless, the class were left with a mixture of feeling baffled and not surprised at the same time, a confusing feeling that made everyone ask unnecessary questions. The class sang the duo's praise, which the ones in question just stood there, one more anxious and timid than the other.

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