chapter 1

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"You to, can become a star"

Izuku Midoriya's heart burst into a million pieces. It's already embarrassing enough after being caught singing under a bridge by your idol and No.1 superstar All might but being told that he can follow in his footsteps made his soul leave his body.

"Wha-?" The only noise that the fragile green haired boy could speak.

" you asked if you could become a star like me, even though you have had no training in acting whatsoever. And even though I told you no, you still persisted, you didn't give up. And after listening to your voice, my god you have what it takes." All might spike proudly. He felt a little bit guilty. He was trying to avoid the media and thousands of paparazzi and to his luck he bumped into the small boy. He had previously declined the boy's dreams. In this new society, you need the top training to be able to anywhere. After having no training his entire life, all night's instinct thought was that it was impossible.

But that voice, that voice was like a gods. He may not have had any vocal coach, but it felt like It was a blessed rain after the drought. Some of his techniques were sloppy sure but nothing a little practice can't fix.

Izuku face became wet with tears, as he fell in the to ground gripping onto his uniform. Those words stung even though they were encouraging his dream. He could have never believed this day would come, his idol right In front of him, praising him. It felt unheard of.

" young midoriya, I want you to become my successor, and become a performer who puts a smile on peoples faces. The new symbol of the arts!" He exclaimed, and the boys screams became louder, internally and externally.


After about 5 months of training and one hellish of a audition, he made it into UA. He got in by the skin of his teeth. Even though he had a few months of hardcore training, he had really only had just put his newfound ability into practice on the day of the audition. His physical theatre and dialogue were still sloppy and shaky, which compared to the talented people around him, was an automatic fail. However, due to the written exam, which he got 98% on, and his singing audition. He managed to snatch a place in the top class of the school.

It was a boarding school, which means he had to live in a dorm inside school campus, but he didn't mind that, not like he had much of a home anyway. In a way, it was good that he could leave his mum, it means that she only had one mouth to feed, she could use the extra money. However, he found it was a bit embarrassing when they came over to collect his belongings.... when He had none. He had two outfits, a few study books and a mattress on the floor. He would rather have good meals than material goods.

He kissed his mother goodbye, exclaiming that he will visit during the weekends like she asked and headed out the door, proudly represented the uniform of UA.

School campus was Massive. He was almost late to class because it took him ages just to find his homeroom. For his petite physique, he did have a few muscles bulked on his body. He was also surprisingly flexible for a boy, worth his girlish features, you would mistake him for a female. He huffed as he opened the classroom door. Surprisingly there were only a few people there, a girl with bright pink hair with her eyes... tattooed??? A blond boy with a black zigzag highlight being repeatedly hit with a drumstick by a girl equity purple hair. A small brunette laughing at a tall boy with glasses, waving his arms around like he was doing the robot. And finally. Kaachan. His heart stopped, of course he would be here, he is the most talented guy he knew. Kaachan looked up and midoriya panicked. By that time he knew he was dead, his internal monologue repeatedly shouting, I'm a goner.

If death stares could kill, he would have a thousand bullets in his head. But he was no longer carried a smug grin on his face, only pure and unfiltered rage. What had Midoriya ever done to him to make him so angry. There was so much hate directed to him in that one look, that Midoriya started to feel his eyes prick with tears, all Deku ever wanted to be recognise by the one he up most admired, but he hated his guts, and didn't know why.

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