ch. 12 final

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"Baby...what are you talking about? Married? Now? Haemi hasn't even had lunch yet!"

You were panicking. But weren't saying no. 

"Jagi, I want to marry you. I've wanted to marry you since I met you two years ago. You heard the lawyer, if we get married and I adopt Haemi as my daughter, she will be safe. You will be safe. And we can be a family."

You stayed quiet for a few moments, staring deeply into his eyes. 

This was crazy. You thought maybe in a few years you would start really discussing the possibility of marriage, but it hasn't even been three months that you've been together. For God's sake, you hadn't done anything more than kiss and hold hands! 

But the logical side of you was quickly losing out to the fact that you loved Minho. You had never felt more safe or loved in your entire life. And he wanted this: you and Haemi. A life with you. 

"You didn't get on one knee…"

Minho chuckled, "I'm sorry my love, I suppose I didn't do this the right way."

Despite the pouring rain, Minho got down on one knee.

"Hana, my love, my light - will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You squealed and jumped into his arms. 

"I love you so much, Minho."

"I love you more, my darling. Now! We need to go. I have some calls to make."


Sixteen phone calls and one taxi ride later, you and Minho finally got home only to be greeted by seven boys holding various boxes and bags. 

Hyunjin was the first to greet you, and with a large garment bag in hand, grabbed your wrist and pulled you to head upstairs. 

"...what?" Hyunjin pulled his hand back from your wrist to assess the situation…"WHY IS SHE WET MINHO!? YOU HAD LITERALLY ONE JOB AND THAT WAS TO GET HER HERE SAFELY! Oh my god, do you even have a hairdryer??"

"Shut up, Hyunjin, of course he does." Felix said as he followed the both of you upstairs. He was carrying a large shopping bag from a local makeup store.

Entering the room, Hyunjin opened up the garment bag to reveal the most beautiful dress you had ever seen. 

"It's not much, especially considering the short notice, but one of the stylists had it on hand from a photoshoot for Twice."

You stared at the dress, raising your hand to touch the gorgeous material. It was a form fitting, heavily beaded silver dress with a high neckline and open back. It was...simply stunning. 

Felix, snapping you out of your thoughts, pushed you to sit on the bed. 

"Alright, I'm not the best at hair and makeup, but I'm better than the rest. So let's get started."


One hour later, your hair and makeup were done courtesy of Felix and you were finally in your dress.

"Alright, Minho just texted me, we can head downstairs." Hyunjin grabbed the train of your dress and motioned for you to move. 

"You're quite the bossy maid of honor Hyunjin…" you said with a smirk. 

"Aish, this girl…." But, he said it with a smile. 

As you walked down the stairs and into the living room, it had been completely transformed. The walls were covered with cascading fairy lights and flowers everywhere. By the window was a beautiful archway where Minho stood holding Haemi. 

Chan came up behind you and took your arm into his. 

"I know I'm not a father figure to you, but I think of you as my sister and it would be an honor to walk you down the aisle."

You nodded quickly, holding back your tears. 

Just then, the instrumental version of Got7's Love Loop began to play and Chan walked you down the "aisle" to Minho and Haemi as Minho's family and the other members of Stray Kids watched. 

Once you reached the end, Chan turned to you and gently kissed your cheek. His eyes were filled with happy tears as he took a step back. 

You turned to Minho, who was still holding Haemi on his hip. He looked dashing in a suit and tie, and you could have easily fainted right then and there. Haemi was in a dark red dress that matched his tie looking as cute as ever. 

The officiant cleared his throat and began.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Song Hana and Lee Minho, quite quickly, if I do say so myself. 

But love doesn't stop for anyone. And when you find that person, you hold on to them. It is a precious gift, to be able to love another and give yourself to them."

The officiant looked over to the members -

"The rings?"

Jeongin, who was busy wiping his eyes, shot up.

"I have them!" He quickly grabbed the boxes and handed them to the officiant.

"Ah yes. Thank you. Alright well, do you Lee Minho, take Song Hana to be your wife?

"I do." Minho said, as he pushed a simple gold band onto your finger. 

"And do you, Song Hana, take Lee Minho to be your husband?" 

"I do, forever." You said, as you pushed a matching band onto his ring finger.

"Then it is my honor to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Smiling, you both leaned in for a brief kiss. 

Seungmin only gagged briefly at the open display of affection. 

Just then, the front door opened, revealing Mr. Park. 

You stood there in shock, worried. But Minho looked as though he was expecting him. 

Mr. Park walked over to you both, holding a folder in his hand. 

"Ah, congratulations to you both. I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier, but the lawyer's took some time."


"Thank you so much, Mr. Park. We really appreciate it."

"Minho, what is this? What are you talking about?"

Putting Haemi down, Minho got on one knee and faced Haemi.

"Haemi-ah, how would you like appa to be your real appa now?"

Obviously thrilled, Haemi wrapped her arms around Minho's neck and squealed yes. 

"Are these...adoption papers? How did you get them so quickly?"

"Mr. Park pulled some strings. He's got a kind heart, and a soft spot for family."

"So...once you sign this...we're really a family now?

"Yes, darling, we're going to be a real, legal family."

Now it was your turn to squeal in joy. You and Haemi were finally free. You had a loving husband and now you could live your lives together without fear. 

"Alright Mrs. Lee, I think it's time to celebrate. What do you think about giving Haemi a little brother or sister?"

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