ch. 9

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"This has put me in a difficult position. You both know the rules." 

You both nodded, continuing to hold each other's hand tightly.

Mr. Park continued.

"I can't just make this go away - several potential trainees witnessed what happened. There will be consequences for this, I hope you both understand."

"I understand, and I'm willing to face those consequences. But please, don't fire Hana." 

"I don't have any intentions of doing that. However, Hana, you will be put on extended leave for the next month and I will look into transferring you to a different group. I have a lot of damage to fix, though thankfully, the trainees have already signed their NDAs so they cannot report this to the media. Minho, you will also have restrictions for the next month. This includes no fan meetings or Vlives. Basically, you'll be at the dorm until things have calmed down."

"I understand sir, I am so sorry." You finally spoke. 

"I have one last question, and this will help me with the decision regarding both your futures in this company. Minho, Hana, what are your intentions with each other? Is this a fling? Or is it more?"

You were about to speak when Minho started.

"Mr. Park, I love Hana. I want to marry her. I want to be Haemi's Appa. I have no intentions of letting anything get in my way. Ultimately, I do not want to choose between being an idol and her, but if I am forced to, I will choose her."

Mr. Park nodded. 

"I'm not going to make you choose, Minho. I can see that you two love each other. And that little girl, I couldn't take away her Appa now that she finally has one who is decent and kind. We'll figure this out, I promise."

You let out a big sigh of relief, and then began to cry. 

"Take some time to gather yourselves. You'll also need to speak to the other members so that they are aware of what's going on. Secrets...well, it'll be better for you two now to be completely honest with everyone."

He left the room, leaving you two alone. 

"Hana, please don't cry my love." Minho rubbed your back, trying to comfort you. 

"Did you mean it, Minho?"

"Mean what?"

You took a deep breath, "Wanting to marry me - being Haemi's Appa?"

"Hana, of course I do. I obviously didn't plan on letting you know this quickly, I do have some restraint. But, yes, that has always been my plan. I want you to be my wife."

He kissed your lips, causing you to relax finally. 

"Let's go talk to the rest of the members, okay? We'll figure everything else out later."


It was quiet. Han, Changbin and Seungmin were...not happy. Felix just had a blank stare, and Jeongin's eyes were red from crying.

Chan looked ashamed, as he knew that this ultimately was his idea to keep their relationship a secret. 

Minho and you just stood there awkwardly, with Minho holding Haemi's hand. 

"I'm sorry guys, I know that this must be a shock -"

"You bet your ass this is a fucking shock." Changbin spoke, his anger finally bubbling up to the surface. 

"Look, it was one thing to hide Haemi from us. We could understand that. But this? A fucking relationship? Haemi calls you Appa for God's sake! When were you three going to tell us?" It was Han's turn to be angry. 

Tears built up in your eyes. This was the last thing you wanted to happen. Minho stayed quiet, his head hung in shame. 

Jeongin stood up. 

"Look, this sucks. They lied. Big time. But...but...I don't want Noona to cry anymore. We all love Noona. Let's just...try to move past this and be happy for her."

Minho puffed out his cheeks, annoyed. 

"I'm in this relationship too, you know?!" 

The boys laughed at this, they couldn't help but bully him a little bit. 

After the tension broke a bit, you both explained how the relationship got to this point as well as your conversation with Mr. Park. They were worried that Minho would be dismissed from the group. Thankfully though, it didn't appear to be the case. What was worrisome was your status as their manager, which seemed unlikely that you would continue in the position. 

Haemi, growing tired after the long and emotional day, tugged on Minho's hand.

"Appa, can we go home?"

Minho looked to you, then to Chan who nodded his approval.

"Just go, Minho. We won't say anything." 


Haemi fell asleep shortly after you all arrived at your home. You both tucked her in, and then found your way to the couch, naturally finding your way into his arms.

"Do you want to meet my mother? And the cats? You like cats right?" He said the last part in almost a panic, as if he just realized you guys had never discussed this before. 

"Yes, Minho, I would love that. Also yes I like cats, we have definitely talked about this before! But anyways, do you think she would like me? And Haemi?"

Minho just "mmm'ed", as was his way. He seemed to be lost in thought afterwards.

"A penny for your thoughts, love?"

"Oh, ah. I was just thinking. What about your parents? Shouldn't I meet them as well?"

"Oh...well...they didn't accept me after I got pregnant with Haemi. I haven't spoken to them in a long time. But, I would like you to meet Auntie sometime, she's the closest thing I have to family."

He hugged your waist tighter.

"I'm sorry life has been so hard, jagiya."

Instead of being upset, right now, you felt more at peace than you ever had before. You were loved. And safe. And even though your job was in question, you felt confident in Minho, and that everything would be alright. And with that, you closed your eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. Minho, started to get up as if to leave, but you stopped him.

"Stay, love."

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