When You Find Out Your Teachers Are Married (class 1A edition)

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"Hey, you were the one who told them we were gonna grade papers." The blond said defensively.

"But you took part in the 'not-grading-papers' activity, didn't you?" Aizawa said, quickly looking through the rest of the stack on his own desk to be graded. Mic frowned but grabbed a pen to start grading.


A little over a week later, most of class 1A was gathered in the common area of the dorms watching a movie. It wasn't super late, but late enough that some of the students were already in bed.

When a sound came from the door they all turned to see what it was, their hero reflexes kicking in. Aizawa had already announced he was going to sleep in his dorm room so there were no reason for someone to be at the door. Then again, if it was an intruder, they probably wouldn't have used the door anyway.

They all looked surprised when a tall man with long blond hair pulled up in a half bun walked through the door. At first, neither of the students recognized the man, although he seemed kind of familiar.

"Wait, is that Mic-sensei?" Kirishima said when Present Mic walked in. It didn't seem like the pro hero had noticed the students before now but he flashed them a smile and some finger guns as he walked past them.

"Oh, hey there listeners!" He said, a little louder than necessary . "Hope I didn't scare ya there? I didn't want to wake you up, in case you were sleeping."

"It's fine, sensei." Mina said. "We just didn't recognize you at first." The teacher wasn't wearing his usual hero outfit, instead he wore a white button up and black jeans, his hair not in the banana shape it normally was. The only indication that it was in fact their english teacher was his yellow signature glasses he was still wearing, and his little mustache, which according to Aizawa looked 'ridiculous' and 'stupid'.

"What are you doing here this late, sensei?" Midoriya asked from where he was sitting on the floor. It wasn't uncommon for teachers to came by to talk to their home room teacher about something now and then, but it was usually not this late.

"Oh, eh-" Mic scratched his neck. "I was just..."

"I'm going to help him grade some papers." Everyone turned to see Aizawa leaning against the doorway to his dorm room. He looked annoyed as usual. "Come on, Mic. I don't have all night. And you kids should all go to bed, it's late," he said. He turned and walked back into his room. Present Mic quickly followed after him, giving the students another set of finger guns before closing the door behind them.

"Anyone else thinks that was a little weird?" Sero said, after a while. Everyone nodded.

"Yeah, why would Mic-sensei come by this late just to get Aizawa's help grading some papers?" Mina asked.

"He may just be helping out a long term friend, Midoriya suggested. "I mean, they were in the same class when they went to UA, right? He's probably just returning the favour from when Mic helped him grade out papers."

All the students seemed to think about it. It had been weird that Mic-sensei had visited Aizawa-sensei this late, plus the fact that he for once did not wear his hero gear. But then again, this wasn't the weirdest thing their english teacher had done. Maybe he was just helping a colleague grade papers.


After a while, Present Mic's visits had become a regular thing. The students of 1A didn't think much of it whenever the english teacher would come over to their dorms. Normally he just went straight to Aizawa's room with the excuse he had to help him with something. The first few times it had been to 'grade papers', then to 'drop off some documents' or 'bring him a message from Nezu'.

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