When You Find Out Your Teachers Are Married (class 1A edition)

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I'm not really used to writing about several people at once so this was interesting. But yeah, this is basically hiw class 1A found out about erasermic.

Aizawa entered the classroom of 1A for his first class of the day. Most of the students were talking loudly to each other, not noticing the presence of their homeroom teacher. Ilda was the first to notice him, yelling at the rest of the class to sit down and be quiet until he was the only one still standing.

Aizawa let out a pleasant grunt and took a sip of the coffee cup he was holding. He walked up to his desk to put down the stack of papers he was holding and was about to start the lesson when Kaminari raised his hand.

"Yes, Kaminari?" Aizawa said in his normal unenthusiastic voice. He wasn't really in the mood for questions today, or any day for that matter. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night, and all he wanted was to hand out the papers with today's assignment so he could nap for the rest of the class.

"I was just wondering if you were done grading our papers yet?" the blond asked.

"The test was three days ago, so no. I haven't had the time."

"Oh," Kaminari said, looking confused. "I was just wandering because yesterday, when Mic-sensei came by the dorms, you said he was going to help you grade our papers."

The blond stared at him expectantly. Aizawa froze completely for a second. He hadn't expected this outcome when he had told them that yesterday. His brain was frantically trying to come up with an excuse as to why he hadn't graded the papers, but he couldn't think of any. Present Mic had indeed come by the dorms the night before, but they hadn't actually graded any papers, to put it that way.

"Yeah, it sounded like you two were grading and discussing all night," Hagakure joined in. "And Mic-sensei didn't leave until the morning."

"The papers were only one page, it shouldn't take that long?" Yaoyorozu said, and Aizawa couldn't really argue with the logic.

"Okay, enough everyone," Aizawa said activating his quirk and the students fell silent. His hair fell back down around his shoulder and he let out a sigh. "I promise, the papers will be done by tomorrow. I just have a few left. Now, let's start todays class and if anyone else interrupts, you will be expelled."

Several parts of that statement were lies. First off, he hadn't even touched the stack of papers on the desk in his office yet, let alone started grading them. Second, he couldn't actually expel any of them because Nezu had revoked his expelling privileges after he had expelled that entire class last year. However, his student didn't need to know that either of them were lies.

Luckily, none of the students seemed suspicious of why Mic had been at the dorms the night before if it hadn't been to grade papers. Aizawa didn't actively keep his relationship with the fellow pro hero a secret but he also didn't want his students snooping around in his personal life either. If they found out they would just start asking a million questions and never shut up about it.


Later that day, when Aizawa was done with his classes for the day, he walked up to Present Mic's desk in the staff room. The blond was leaning back in his chair, reading some article in english on his computer. Aizawa took half the stack of paper he was holding and slammed them on the desk. "Here, grade these," he said as he sat down at his own desk.

"What?" Mic looked up at him, questioningly. "Why?"

"When you came over last night, I told the students you were going to help me grade their papers. And now they are wondering why they are not done." Aizawa looked at the blond accusingly, like this was his fault.

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