"I have a great place in mind."

"I feel like a prostitute."

"I'm just paying you money to come get a drink with me...okay maybe it is a little like prostitution. Don't you owe me a drink go begin with?"

"I guess so..." I'm clearly not very comfortable with this situation but I can't turn back now. I eventually walk with him into a bar. We get a table and sit across from each other.

"Sorry if you feel like a prostitute. That wasn't my intention."

"I know." Shortly a waiter comes and sets down menus and small plates.

"Would you like anything to drink?" The waiter asks.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks." Joe tells the waiter.

"Just water."

"Come on, you can get a drink. It's okay."

"I've never really had any alcohol before. I just want water." I explain. The waiter leaves and I look down slightly.

"You've never had anything with alcohol?"

"I had some lowkey stuff when I was 16. I haven't had anything since."


"I couldn't legally drink until a few months ago. By then it just wasn't interesting anymore. I can't even afford anything to begin with." I pick at my nails slightly while explaining myself.

"It's okay. I understand."

"Ah fuck it, what the hell. I'll get a gin and tonic."

"That's what I'm talking about." I laugh and order my drink. When it's brought to me I sort of ignore it for a bit. I finally take a sip and immediately spit it out.

"Fuck, I forgot how gross it tastes." Joe starts laughing uncontrollably as I wipe my mouth.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. So, what do you do for a living? How do you have so much money?"

"I don't have money, my parents do."

"So you're a trust fund kid?"

"I help run things at my parents business and they pay me more than they should because I'm their son or whatever."

"Where do you work?"

"I want to be an actor but it hasn't been going too well yet. I work for universal music group. My grandparents owned it and then they passed it down to my dad and my dad wants to give it to me one day."

"Holy shit."


"I tried to get a record deal there a few years ago but it didn't go to well cause I was fucking my boyfriend."

"Oh god." He says with a small laugh.

"I know. I was so dumb back then. At least my stupidity got me a daughter. If I could have had Liv later it would have been nice but I love her regardless."

"You sound like a good mother."

"I do the best I can. I mean, I can barely afford rent but the only way I can afford rent is by not paying for my electric bill. It's been great. I used to be able to afford both but then I got fired so that really didn't help. God I need this drink." I take another drink that burns down my throat but this time I keep it down.

"Taylor, I want to help you."

"I don't need a rich knight in shining armor to save me. I can figure it out myself, I'm getting a job in a few months."

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