2-{looking around}

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"Woahhh!!!we look so different" Noya smiled

"Well now you got your shits together let the real show begin!!!!!" Monokid yelled.


Suddenly A white and black bear appeared out of no where.

"H-hey what the hell is that!?!" shirabu cursed

"My name is Monokuma I'm the head master at this school!!!" A bear called Monokuma speaks out.


"Why are we here" kuroo yells out

"Your going to stay here for the rest of your lives!!!" Monokuma roared

"W-What the hell!?! T-take me home" noya yelled pointing at the weird looking bear.

"Don't worry everything in this school has all of your needs!!!" Monokuma said in a calmly voice.

"But we have family!!" Bokuto-San yelled.

"Well if you want to leave there is one thing" Monokuma paused "old fashion murder"

"A student who kills a classmate and gets away with it can exit this school grounds!!"


"W-why are you doing this!?" Akaashi said shaking.

" look on the bright side I'm letting you get away with murder,so start killing" Monokuma laughed leave the gym.

Everyone was in dazed at what that stupid bear said.

"T-this isn't r-real I-is it" Yamaguchi said as turned around.

"Oh c-course it's real a fucking bears talking!" Shirabu frowned backing away"t-this is some sick game!"


"Maybe if we look around we'll find a way out" Akaashi said.

"YOur so smart akkkkasgshsii" Bokuto yelled

"We'll go in pairs to investigate" I smiled "we'll all meet up here in 2 hours"

Everyone started to go in pairs and leave into this unknown school.

"Well then come on kenma!!" I said looking at kenma.

"Yeah let's go" kenma smiled

We first went to a hallway that had a strangely mysterious door at the end.

"Well that's creepy" I sighed opening the door.

Inside was a lot of moderators.

"Six roles" I counted

"I wonder what these are for" kenma questioned "let's leave for now"

I quickly nodded before leaving.


We look around for another 20 minutes before finding another door.

Inside was some Sort of library.

"Yo hinata!!" Noya called waving his arm around. "Look at what I found!!"

Noya pulled out a key out of his pocket.

"Woahhh where did you find that!??" I gasped

"In between the book shelf's" noya giggles

Why would a key be there??

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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