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The bubbling river of Lauhitya ran like a carefree toddler, caressing the pebbles, flirting with floras, making the lush green-clad land turn deep green with jealousy. The departing sun spread its gentle warmth as if promising the sad sky that he will come back to float on her lap tomorrow. The sky blushed crimson, matching my wedding saree. 

Vayu for its part, played with my tendrils that escaped from my braid decorated with yuthika flowers, now withered. I tried to tug them but my stubborn curls seemed to enjoy playing with Vayu. I breathed in a fresh bout of air, my troubled mind somewhat found momentary solace. As if to compensate for playing with my unruly hair, Vayu brought me the faint but mesmerizing fragrance of parijatha and other wildflowers.

This seducing setting of nature brought me the memory of my garden that I lovingly nurtured. My garden at the palace. The palace at the kingdom of Kashi, the abode of Lord Shiva, the destructor of evil himself and my home. 

Thinking of my palace garden, fresh tears threatened to spill on my already tear-streaked face, as the day's early events struck with new vigor, overpowering my controlled demeanor, numbing all the senses that enjoyed the scenic beauty for a fleeting moment.

Thinking of my palace garden, fresh tears threatened to spill on my already tear-streaked face, as the day's early events struck with new vigor, overpowering my controlled demeanor, numbing all the senses that enjoyed the scenic beauty for a fleet...

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"Princess, before nightfall we have to reach the palace. Otherwise, it will be difficult to travel through the Naimisha, a forest well-known for its dangerous creatures lurking behind the dense trees. Prince Duryodhana requested you to get ready for the long journey ahead as there won't be any stopping and camping to reach our destination soon, the great Hastinapur.

The servant's voice broke me from my reverie.

There won't be any stopping to reach the destination!

The words echoed back in my head. Still, in trance, I slowly turned to acknowledge the voice. Behind the bent head of the servant maid, towered a man with an athletic built body, a fine purple angavastra with a thick gold border intricately woven of complex patterns, carelessly laid on his broad shoulders, now fighting Vayu to be in its right place, trying to hide the scar-decorated wide chest. 

Even in that pitiful state of my mind, I found his eyes funny. For a man possessing an aura that emitted grandness from head to toe, Duryodhana's eyes seemed too small to match his appearance. 

Perhaps those eyes got trained only to see limited things that it lost the ability to look beyond the looks? 

Or did they saw and knew too much that it lost its natural curiosity to seek more? 

Such questions are best to lay unanswered, at least for now, I thought, because those subtly shining light brown eyes, the color of the fertile soil I'm standing on, were staring straight at me now. 

Without flinching, I stared back, summoning some deviance that was accepted in Kshatriya women. 

But to my surprise, I couldn't hold his stare for long, for they were not challenging as I expected, but were begging for consideration, acceptance and, I realized slowly, for love. In all the stories I have heard about Duryodhana and personally evidenced a few hours ago, when he fought the entire battalion of revered kings who came to my Swayamvara and abducted me with those same strong hands with blue veins sticking out like water snakes, that is now fidgeting anxiously before me, I never believed he is capable of loving and to be loved.

With measured steps, I approached him. I heard dry leaves falling from giant trees as Vayu changed his pace and a thudding heart as I walked, slowly closing the gap between us. Did I also hear someone taking quick breaths and intermittently letting long sighs? 

I decided to not stop before him, like I did in my swayamvara that morning, holding a blue lotus garland and walked past this stubborn looking handsome prince. That decision of mine apparently led to this forced journey to the great Hastinapur, as a young wife of Prince Duryodhana.  

The journey that transformed my status from princess of Kashi to bride of the illustrious Kuru dynasty. 

The journey that will take me to the verge of becoming powerful Empress of Hastinapur. 

The journey that will steal every single thing I valued more than my life. 

The journey that will eventually erase my very own identity from the memories of posterity. 

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