her side

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Why would you revive my heart just to tear it apart.

Rosie was my light and you took her away and left me in the dark.

I guess you only have love for him in your heart.

As you seem not to care, mine has fallen apart.

And the fucked up part is that what was tearing me apart.

I knew I shouldn't have lowered my wall at all cuz Now it's getting to the point i wish i never met you all.

I can't even see you at all but of course your married and all

And we only met last fall..

I still remember the smile on your face in every call.

And the sad feelings that got erased.

But sadly it was just a phase.

Cuz i stepped out of place.

And the space Grew distant as I grew persistent.

Cause I go for what I love.

And I swear I fell in love with you.

Till the day you tore my heart in two.

Is love worth all this hell I'm going through?

But still I'm holding through because you were there for me...

Showing me a part of you must still care for me.

But you disowned me acting like you don't even know me.

I try to talk but you ignore me like 

"dude just leave me alone"

(Her side)

There's a reason why I don't pick up my phone.

You're not the only one who lives with a devil in their dome.

You cry all alone but I was there for you as much as I could on the phone.

Plus I have a husband at home.

And you don't know how bad that sounds.

But I married him before you were around.

I loved him way before our love was found.

But I just can't get up and leave. I know it's hard to believe that you do mean something to me.

And I'm happy and proud of your being clean 

But why do you gotta be so mean?

It just wasn't our time to be.

And if you can't be just a friend i guess it's time to bring this friendship to an end.

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