- Routine -

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A/N: First off: Thank you guys for actually liking the first chapter of my story, because I honestly didn't expect that lmao.

Also: Sorry if some of this part seems rushed or like it doesn't really make sense. In the middle of me writing it, my friend decided to fucking die, so I've just pretty much been using writing as a coping mechanism, and right now I'm not really trying too hard to make it "good." 

Okay, that's all. Onto the thing you actually came here for.


-Shayne's POV-

I rolled onto my stomach, extending my arm to reach for my phone on the nightstand. turning over again, I held it above my face and turned on the screen. 1:43 PM. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, reveling in my last moments in bed. I was still tired, having only fallen asleep around 8:00 earlier that morning.

Eventually, I decided to get up and be productive. I threw my blanket off of me, watching it land at the edge of my bed, still partially covering my feet. I swung my legs out and over the side of my bed, allowing me to stand for the first time since waking up. I quickly checked the time again and pocketed my phone. I now had only 10 minutes before the scheduled video conference with the squad. I sighed and entered my bathroom. I knew I wouldn't have time for a shower, so I just brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair. Giving myself a once-over in the mirror, I decided I looked good enough. I stepped into my living room and sat down on the couch, opening my laptop, which was still in the same position on my coffee table as the night before.

Just as I was about to open Google Meet to join the call, I received a text. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and for some reason I expected it to be Courtney. I'm not sure why I was thinking about her, though. It was more likely that the text came from someone like Ian or Damien, reminding me of the meeting. 

To no one's surprise, the message was, in fact, from Damien. I felt a tinge of disappointment as I tapped his name on the notification, but I'm really not sure why.

Deem: "YOU'RE LATE."

I urgently glanced at the time, but let out a relieved, breathy laugh and rolled my eyes, realizing it was just 2:01 PM. 

I placed my phone on the table as I redirected my attention to my laptop. I opened a Chrome tab and clicked the bookmarked Google Meet room on the top of my screen. I was connected instantly to find most everyone already in the call.

"Hey guys," I scanned the mosaic of webcams on my screen, eyebrows slightly furrowing. "Where's Court?"

"She is...," Ian started, as he surveyed the call's current attendees, "not here."

I somewhat shrugged in response and grabbed my phone from beside the laptop to text Courtney, who was now six minutes late to the call. I spent a little too long thinking of what to say to her before settling with the simple question.

Me: "You awake yet?"

Court: "Hey, yeah, what's up?"

I began to type a reminder to Courtney about the meeting when I was distracted by a question from Damien.

"Who are you texting?" He asked me in a slightly accusatory manner, which confused me.

"Uh- Courtney, why?" I stuttered, looking up from my phone for a second before continuing to type my reply.

He nodded and shot me a teasing smirk before directing his attention back to Ian. I suddenly became aware of the small smile that had crept onto my face upon reading Courtney's simple message. Damien is worse than the Shartney shippers sometimes, adamant that there are some sort of "hidden feelings" between Courtney and I. I ponder for a moment, but shake the intrusive thought from my head as I finally press send.

Me: "Not much, just waiting for you."

Court: "What's that supposed to mean? Lmao"

I chuckled to myself at Courtney's complete oblivion, earning another raised eyebrow from Damien. I ignored him and sent a quick a response to Courtney.

Me: "The meeting."

Court: "Shit. I forgot. I'm gonna be later than Keith now."

Another breathy laugh escaped my lips as another text appeared on my screen.

Court: "Be right on."

Satisfied with that, I put my phone down and pointed my attention to the call, waiting for Courtney to appear. Not long after, her webcam popped up on the screen.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, guys," she said sheepishly.

I gave a slight wave, acknowledging her arrival, but said nothing.

Ian finished up whatever conversation he was having with Damien before he finally took notice of Courtney's presence.

"Ah! Everyone's here," he noted. "So let's get started, Shall we?"

The call wasn't all that interesting, Ian was just going through filming deadlines, upload schedules, and stuff like that. I would be filming a couple segments for the upcoming GDFN today, and that was it. It was just gonna be the ones I was in by myself, since most of the others had busy schedules today. I predicted I could have it done in a little over an hour as long as I stayed productive the whole time.

After the "professional" part of the call was over, we all stayed on a bit longer and talked about stuff, like life in general. I was the first to leave, though, set on getting my filming done.

Just as I was setting up my phone on the tripod, I received a notification. I hastily opened it , realizing it was a text from Courtney.

Court: "So, Smash after filming?"

I caught myself smiling as I typed my response. 

Me: For sure. I'll probably be done in an hour or so.

Court: Ok! Just text me when you're done then. 😊

I sent her a thumbs-up before closing the messaging app and opening the camera, the device actually making it onto the tripod this time. Recording actually went smoothly for once and I was finished in a little over two hours. 

I stayed in character for a few seconds after filming my last bit, leaving room for the editors to cut. Then I approached the camera and stopped recording for what would hopefully be the last time today. I removed my phone from its stand and took it over to the couch, where I sat to review my footage. After sending my final takes to Ian, I opened up my messaging app and tapped Courtney's name, which was still at the top of my list.

Me: Done filming. Ready to play Smash?

Court: Took you long enough. So can I call you?

I snickered a bit at her response. Both at her joke, and at the fact she'd asked permission to call me. I'm always okay with talking to Courtney on the phone. I guess it was just amusing to me that she felt she had to ask permission.

Me: Yeah, of course.

A few seconds after my reply went through, the sound of my ringtone replaced the silence that was in the room just moments before. And soon enough, that was replaced with the sound of Courtney's voice, which I had placed on speakerphone on the coffee table as I went to turn on my Switch.

This night went similarly to the night before. Courtney and I were up until the early hours of the morning, just playing Smash and talking about anything. 

Throughout the next few weeks, this became sort of a routine for us. We would both finish our work for the day, one of us would call the other, and we would just talk on the phone all night. Sometimes we would play video games, but it was becoming more common for us to just talk all night, simply enjoying each other's virtual company and appreciating the social interaction.

We were, in a way, becoming each other's "rocks" during this quarantine. And honestly, I wouldn't have asked for anyone else.

Quarantine - [Shourtney] -Where stories live. Discover now