She visibly relaxed then asked politely in kind. "How may I be of assistance, Czarina?"

I was so glad to be able to speak in English, I felt I was gaining a new friend, so I continued in my 

native tongue. "First, you can drop the title. I think our little secret binds us tighter than that. 

Call me Azura, you know once his greatness or anyone else isn't around."

She jutted her head towards one of the guest bedrooms and I went in. She followed me in, then 

looked both ways down the hallway before locking us in. Then she led me further into the room 

before speaking.

"I know your given name quite well Czarina, but I think its best we use your title for now. How 

may I help you?"

I got right to the point. "I want to leave!"

"But you can't and if I help you this time, we'll both be found out." She pointed out.

I knew that was a gamble. So, with that hope gone I asked. "I also want to know about 

Vladimir's family."

Her neck jerked back, and her eyes narrowed. "Why?"

I hedged waving casually. "Because I want to."

"Really?" She smirked.

"Knowledge is power." I stated proudly.

"Of course, Czarina." She replied as she inclined her head, still smirking.

"Just tell me about his mother and brother." I demanded sounding a little too much like him for 

my taste.

Her eyes widened. "He mentioned his mother to you!"

I shrugged. "He just said he knew what it was like to lose one."

"He never speaks of his mother! It is forbidden!" Nora finished with a whisper.

"I got that, so what happened to her?"

"I was not here so I cannot tell you facts, only what the others have said." Nora admitted.

"What did they say?" I pressed eagerly.

"She was a good Czarina..." Nora began but I wasn't interested in that. I

needed her to get to the point.


"You really have no patience! Let me tell the story!"

"Okay." I conceded putting my hands up.

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