Ch. 10

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Auroras pov

By second period I'm kinda over school. The teachers are getting in my nerves, the people in my classes are getting on my nerves, and I'm so over it.

"And lunch is now." Ashe says.

"What's for lunch?" I ask.

"Nothing worth eating. It's all fucking disgusting dude." She says.

"Isn't school food always though?" I ask.


We walk to the cafeteria and take a seat at the table with Taylor, Kennedy, Alex, and Colton. I sit beside as and Taylor and all heads turn to Ashe and I.

"You two aren't eating?" Alex asks.

Ashe looks at him like he's an idiot, "No, why would we? That shit is disgusting. Hold your pizza up." She says.

He picks up the slice of pizza up form his tray and the cheese falls right onto the plate. It stays in the shape it was on the pizza and I cringe looking at it.

"Yeah, I'll pass." I say.

"And look at Kennedy's strawberries. There's slime all on the bottom of it and they look frozen." Ashe says.

"Oh yeah I wasn't planning on eating those. They made me get them in the line. Well it was another fruit or vegetable. Neither looked good. The green beans all looked cold and some actually had ice on them still." Kennedy says.

School food is a disgrace honestly. It's never been good, it'll never ever good. If fast food restaurants can make frozen food taste good, wbu can't the school? How hard is it to actually heat up food and not burn it or serve it literally still frozen? I fail to see how it's that hard.

"Which is why we're not planning to eat actually anything." Ashe says.

"I'm hungry, if I wasn't then I wouldn't. But I am hungry." Colton says.

"Hey you do you, if you can actually eat that shit, good for you. Neither of us want to attempt it or can get passed how gross it is." Ashe says.

I didn't usually eat school lunch, not unless it's child or something. I can't get over how gross it is. Nor do I think it's worth eating if it tastes like crap.

I typically eat breakfast then skip lunch. However with Demi in the kitchen this morning, it wasn't going to happen. I prefer to eat alone, not have someone watch me as I eat.

"How do you not get hungry?" Taylor asks.

"Some of us loose our appetite looking at that crap and can't eat even if they wanted to. I am one of those people. I eat a large breakfast and I'm fine. I snack when I get home then eat dinner later." Ashe shrugs.

"Same large breakfast and skip lunch because it's gross. Then I eat dinner at some point when I get home." I say.

"Ah so that's where I fail. I don't eat breakfast and am too hungry to skip lunch." Kennedy says.

"Breakfast is too early too eat. I'm trying to still wake up and shit. I can't eat when I'm half asleep." Colton says.

"Stop banging your girlfriend at like 2 in the morning you'd actually sleep and maybe you'd be able to wake up and not feel tired as you do so." Ashe says.

Damn, shots fired.

"Aw shit." Kennedy says.

"Damn bro. I mean she ain't wrong." Alex says.

"Shit, you're just pissed you and your boyfriend broke up and now you're not getting dick. So you're jealous of Paige and I because you know I get more action than you are." Colton says.

I see Ashes eyes go dark and suddenly I become curious myself when the last relationship was. Is it off topic to talk about? Should I not joke about a relationship with her? Is she over him or not?

"Shut the fuck up you circumcised dumb fuck." Ashe growls.

"Oh shit." I hear Kennedy whisper.

"I'm not circumcised."

"You might as well fucking be because you're slut of a girlfriend leaked all your nudes and I doubt you'd be able to fuck a Cheerio with that size."

He remains silent and Ashe raises an eyebrow, "Wanna fucking say something now?"

His silence remains and she keeps a cold stare on him until the bell rings signaling lunch is over. I get up with my backpack and walk with Ashe out of the cafeteria.

"Damn hows his bitch satisfied with that small of a size? Shit how does she even feel it?" I ask.

"She sleeps with the entire school. She doesn't waste her time with sex with him. She's just there for the title and party connection."

"Ah reminds me of last years senior prom king and queen. The whole school though they looked great together meanwhile miss Caitlyn fucked the entire football team of another school. Got pregnant with another guys baby and said that it was her boyfriends, then when they baby got here he realized it wasn't and well, that was the story of the year." I say.

"Damn tea." She says.

"Everyone was shook."

"Shit I'm gonna need photos."

"I've got all the receipts. I'm ready for her to open her mouth to me so I can put her on blast." I say.

"Dude, I want to be with you when you do. For real, like you better hit me up before you do so I can watch that shit in real time." She says.

"Ok." I laugh.

I have dirt on a lot of people and I'm just waiting for them to say the wrong thing so I can just put it all out. I honestly would love nothing more than to hurt some people who hurt me.

I'm waiting for one of them to just say the wrong thing so I can spill the dirt. My iCloud photo folders are waiting for this moment.

"But you really will be able to go to the party right?" She asks.

"Yeah as long as I can stay at your house after. I'm staying with Demi so like I've got to be even more fucking careful. My mom will behead me if I cause her favorite daughter to relapse." I say.

"Rest in peace sis, good luck." She says.

"Honestly, for real. Shit just got a lot fucking rough living with her. Like my mom saw no lies and she's already seen all of them besides Kate."

She laughs at the name Kate, "I can't believe you really told her my name was Kate."

"I had tooo, I'm desperate for this fucking party dude. Like really desperate. I'm going to lie my ass off to achieve getting to go to this party. Seriously." I say.

"Clearly, my names Kate." She laughs.

"She also thinks you're the only friend I have and that your parents are highly over protective and you're not allowed to spend the night at peoples houses. Sorry, I kinda made you sound like a loser in order to make this happen." I say.

"So when I actually have to meet her I'll have to dress up like a church girl and be as innocent as can be?" She asks.

"Eh, I don't think you'll have to meet her. If it works out I'll just be able to leave and party with you. Like my whole plan is to just stay with you Friday and Saturday then have her pick me up early Sunday." I say.

"Gotta go to church sis, she'll need to pick you up at 1." I say.

I look at her confused, "You actually go to church?"

She shakes her head, "No, but you gotta make her think I do."

She's right on that, I have to keep this story going. The better I make Ashe look, the more willing Demi will be to let me do things with 'Kate'.

I really hope I can keep my lies straight. When I lie this much, I tend to forget my own stories. Especially when I speak under the influence of something. I guess we'll see how long I can keep this story going and how long it is before it starts to fall apart.

I hope it's a while I can keep it going and before it falls apart...

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