Ch. 9

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Aurora's pov

My alarm wakes me up the next morning and I grab my phone and turn it off quickly. I look around the room and realize one thing, it's not the bathroom.

"How the fuck did I get in here?" I whisper to myself.

I do not recall leaving the bathroom last night but evidently I did. So my memory is evidently super fucked and not here.

I get out of my bed and walk to my suitcase and grab a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt before heading to the bathroom.

I strip out of the clothes I'm in now and get changed and turn in the mirror to look at the self harm marks on my ribs. The dried blood covers my ribs and I sigh.

I get a washcloth brim beneath the sink and wet it before wiping the dried blood from my body. I let the shirt fall after that and let the water run over the white wash cloth until the blood isn't to be seen on it.

I toss it into the bathtub and let the water run until the blood isn't seen in the sink and finish getting ready.

I do my makeup and hair before walking back to my room and putting on my shoes. I then grab my backpack from beside my suitcase and my phone off the nightstand.

"Day 2 here we go." I mutter to myself.

I walk into the kitchen and see Demi with a cup of coffee with her head in her phone. She looks up from her phone to look at me, "Are you ready?" She asks.

"I don't know, does it look like it?" I sass.

"It does." She comments.

"Then there's your answer." I say.

She grabs the keys off the kitchen bar before walking to the front door and I follow behind her. I wait for her to lock the door before she leads the way to the elevator.

"How did you sleep?" She asks as we walk into the elevator.

I stand in the back as the door closes and shrug, "Does it matter?"

"Does to me, I hope you slept ok since you've got a long day of school today." She says.

"Dude I'll be fine. My god, I've gone to school with no sleep at all. Shit."

I don't get why adults are so concerned about how much sleep you get on a week day then don't care at all on a weekend. Does it matter? I can still function on no sleep and just because it's a school day doesn't mean it matters. It really doesn't.

I hear a ding and look at the elevator to see we've made it to the lobby. I step out first and lead the way out of the apartment building. Of course, Demi's right bedside me and walking at my pace.

There's utter silence between us until we get to her car. As I drop my backpack onto the floorboard and she starts the car, she breaks the silence.

"I changed my mind about the friend. If you want to spend the night at your friends house then you can." She says as she backs out of the parking lot.

So what's the catch then? I find it hard to believe she really just changed her mind about this after thinking about it. I know there's got to be a catch, what is it?

"What's the catch?"

"There isn't one. If you want to stay the night with this friend then you can stay the nights with the friend. I was being a bit unreasonable and I'm going to have to learn to trust you. So you can go." She says.

"I'll believe that you trust me when my virginity comes back. What are you expecting to happen when I do this? Are you trying to see me fail at something?" I ask.

"I didn't need to know the first bit, let's not mention it again. No, I'm not trying to see you fail at something. I'm just letting you go to a friends house because you want to. There is no test, I'm not expecting you to fail at something. You said this friend was good, if anything I expect nothing to happen. Especially with her overprotective parents."

Is she trying to guilt me into admitting what I'm actually planning to do? She knows that's not going to work with me right? I don't feel guilt when I do things I'm not supposed to. So I'm curious as to why she thinks guilting me is going to work.

"Yeah, I know, that's what I fucking said. She's actually a good friend and nothings going to happen. Glad you can actually admit you're wrong and were being unreasonable and stupid last night." I say.

So she isn't as smart as I think she is then. I thought for sure she caught onto my plans and was preventing them. She hasn't. She's letting me go so all I have to do is make sure I don't overshoot the alcohol or drugs and make it known what I'm doing.

"Well I'm glad you made a friend on the first day, and a good one. Can you maybe ask her what the plans exactly are for later this week? Just so I can schedule things around that?" She asks.

"Yeah, whatever."

The plan will be go to her house after school then go to a party and then go back to her house after the party. That's the plan.

I'll let Demi think I'm actually asking her for the plan though. I need to do all the acting I can to pull this off. If she finds a single flaw in the plan, it'll be over. I did enough acting last night to convince her this is ok, I can't ruin it now.

"Do I get to at least know her name maybe?" Demi asks.


Kate sounds innocent right? That sounds like a really innocent name right? I sure hope so.

Silence falls between us and the ride to school was quiet from that point forward. Once I get to school I grab my backpack from the car floorboard.

"I hope you have a good day."


I get out of the car with my backpack and walk into the school. All heads turn to me as I walk to Ashes locker and she flashes me a smile, "Hey."

"I think I'll be good for the party. I've convinced her you're a whole ass saint and even told her your name was Kate to make you seem even more holy." I say.

She laugh, "Bro I love that."

"Damn I've got to keep this going until the party. I'm gonna run out of holy things to tell her about you." I say.

"Remind her we have to go to church on Sunday so you might be gone a bit late." She says and I laugh.

"The most holy we'll feel is at that party." I say.

"You know it." She laughs.

I honestly can't wait until this party. I need it and I'm desperate for it. I hope this week can just fly. This will be the only highlight of my week and I need it to just hurry up and get here.

"Shit where's the gang?" I ask.

"Ripp, they skipped first period and didn't tell me or you the plan." She says.

Well they sound a bit fake then to me. Who doesn't tell everyone the plan? If you're whole friend group isn't on the same page and you don't tell everyone the plan, then that's fake.

I hate when there's a friend group and they make one group chat for everyone, then several that leave everyone out. That's fake friends right there.

I like Ashe and if I see anyone of them hurt her, I will hurt them. I'm gonna make sure they are hurt. Just because I fuck with them now, doesn't mean I always will.

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