Bakugo watched as Izuku flew backwards and slammed into some old crates causing them to fall on top of him.

"Nice hit Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled as he ran up next to Bakugo.

"It's not over yet" Bakugo scoffed as the rubble starting shifting around.

Izuku pushed aside the rubble and climbed out back into the open. He raised his hand up to his cheek and wiped off some ash from Bakugo fist.

"I actually felt that Kaccahn. Too bad you won't be able to land another hit on me!" Izuku said as he took off towards Bakugo.

The blond smirked and raised his hands. His palms glowing a bright orange. A small spark escaped Bakugoes hand before a massive explosion blasted through the factory, shattering all the windows in the process.

Bakugo watched as the smoke died down to only reveal two foot prints scorched into the pavement. He raised an eye brow but quickly scrunched his nose and yelled out to his classmates.

"Be ready! This fucker is going to sneak up on one of us!"

"Right you are Kaachan" Izuku called out from behind Sero as he readied for an attack.

"SERO WATCH OUT" Mina yelled.

Sero quickly jumped back and shot a role of tape at Izuku. The dark figure stuck hand outwards allowing the tape to smack into his palm. Then in one swift motion Izuku spun his hand around gaining more of a grip on the tape and yanked Sero right towards him.

"GUYS!" Sero screamed as he flew towards Izuku but it was too late.

Izuku side stepped once Sero was in range and grabbed the tape user wrist. Izuku swung upwards right into Seros arm, snapping it cleanly at the elbow.

"AHHH!" The tape user yelled as he felt his lower arm go limp after the snap.

Izuku held Sero up and locked eyes with him. The tape user screaming in pain took one last shot with his uninjured arm and punched Izuku in the cheek.

The dark figure narrowed his eyes at Sero and scoffed. Izuku swung Sero up into the air and then with pure brute force, slammed him onto the concrete floor.


The sound echoed out into the factory as Seros unconscious body laid in the center of a deep creator with cracks sprawling out from it.

"RECIPRO BURST" Ilda yelled as he took off towards Izuku.

Izuku raised an eyebrow as the engine user disappeared right from his field of view. He looked around for Ilda until he felt something coming from behind him. Izuku quickly turned his head to see a metal boot coming right towards him.

"Tsk" Izuku scoffed as he was sent flying backwards from Ilda's kick. Izuku rotated his body and pushed his hands onto the ground to flip himself back upright. He skidded back a few more feet and stood up watching Ilda barrel towards him while getting ready for another attack. The engine user jumped into the air and used his quirk to spin himself around, gaining momentum until he had enough to drive out a power kick. Izuku smirked and sidestepped out of the way of the attack and grabbed Ildas ankle. He quickly snapped Ildas ankle so his foot now sat completely backwards. Ilda screamed in pain as a smile grew on Izukus face.

"My turn!" Izuku yelled as he spun himself around with Ilda in hand until he caught Mineta out of the corner of his eye. Izuku did one last rotation before releasing Ilda and watched as he crashed into Mineta with such force they broke through one of the support beams and buried themselves under the rubble.

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now