# 36 : Why are you here?!

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Dedicated to : Arlette_Espinal , Tweelight17 , Brie_Ella101 , JoannaEdwards7

Edward's POV :

I tried to walk and stop her. I wanted to stop her. But Jordan came in running. "No..No... You aren't going anywhere. You need to be sober when you actually sort this out." He said.

"No...I have to go to her... I can't lose her again.." I said tears streaming down my eyes. "Ed. I know trust me this time you won't. I won't let you lose her. You are miserable and so is she. You guys are just running away from your past and you don't want to actually talk about the depth of what you guys have.

Trust me. You don't want to be like this." He said. I tried to fight him but he wouldn't let me. "Please Jordan stop her..." I begged him. "I cant Jordan... She cant just leave again." I said trashing in my place. "NO!" I screamed. Soon I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I passed out.


I woke my head hurting. I looked around to see my family and Jordan and Roni their faces sad. I looked around. "Where is she?" I asked. "Where is she mom?" I asked. Mom just gave me a sad face and sat down beside me. "Son, you need to relax you had a really bad panic attack the doctor had to give you sleeping drug. You were going out of control." Mom said.

"How long was I out for?" I asked. "12 hours." She said softly. "Jordan where is she?" I asked softly. "I don't know. I tried find her. Locate her. Her sim was destroyed and we cant track her. Nobody knows where she is." He said dejected.

"WHAT?!" I asked getting up. "Mr. and Mrs. Macford you must know where she is." I asked with hope. They just gave me a sad face. "No...No.. This cant happen again." I said shouting.

Elina came and grabbed my hand. "Ed, relax okay. We need to find her. We need too. But you know why she left? Cause you didn't trust her Ed. You need to trust her." She said.

"How can I when she has broken my trust so many times Elina?" I asked. "Then why do you care if she is here or not?" she asked. "Because she is my best friend!" I said. 

Everyone looked at me with a disapproving look. "What?" I asked. Kyle barged in the room eating chips. "Ssup." He said. "Why are you so chill?" I asked eyeing him. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Your sister is missing!" I said.

"And who told you that?" he asked. "Kyle what are you trying to say?" Elina asked him cautiously. "Well she is safe if that's what you guys are worried about. This asshole broke her heart. AGAIN." He said glaring at me.

"Where the hell is she?" I asked. "Why do you care you just said she is just your best friend. So knowing she is safe should be enough." He retorted. I got up from the bed easily towering over him. "Tell me where is she." I said.

"I don't care if you are Edward Salvatore. I will not tell you." He said. "I will just find out myself!" I said storming out of the room.

I called my hacker getting into the car. "I am sending you two numbers. I want a recording of the last call between the two numbers. In ten minutes." I said hanging up and sending him both Sophia and Kyle's number.

In seven minutes I received a recording.

"Kyle I am trusting you with this. I am going to my apartment in Florida."

"Why is everything okay?"

"Yes don't worry." Her voice was sounded like she was crying

"Edward did something didn't he? I am going to kill him." I scoffed.

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