# 22 : The Effect !!

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Disclaimer - You need to read the chapter before this one. For your own good. Those who have 😉 You are going to love this..

Edwards POV :

I was so pissed at that Harry. I mean okay he can sing. What else has he got huh? Ia m way more handsome than him. And I have got the money. And I have got girls dying to be with me. What has he got.

He has got THE Girl

My brain needs to shut up. Cant believe after so many years its still there.

I was waiting there for all this nonsense to get over when suddenly the host of the event Madame Chevrolet. Started speaking I didn't pay much attention till I heard her name. She had won the award.

I smiled looking at her. I was so proud. She had finally accomplished something she was so looking forward to. And I am glad she did it. She is a very successful person and I couldn't be more proud. I just wished I had her with me.

Me by her side to support my girl. WAIT HOLD UP. Did I just say my girl? I just turned away. This cant be happening. I Hate her remember? I cant.. I just cant... She started her small Thank you speech....

( A/N: Putting her speech here you can skip till the italics if you have read the chapter before)

"Thank you everyone. Thank you so much for being here today. Thank you Council for presenting me with this award. I know so many of you guys deserve this after working for so many years. But I am going to be a little selfish today. Cause I really am on cloud nine for winning this.

I'm so happy that after my mom, I have received this award I did too. I am honored to have this award. I would really like to thank mom and Madame Chevrolet for being with me and my inspiration.

And all my friends and family who are here to support me and witness this moment. I would like to thank my special someone today for being the inspiration behind EDIA. I Love You Guys. And I wont bore you. Please enjoy." she said.

Who the hell is she talking about? And why is she smiling so much? I mean if thinking about that person can get such an amazing smile on her face then I want to break that persons face. He cant just be there. I want to be there for sweetheart.

I am just going to sop talking. I waited for everything to settle down so I could leave. Everybody was on the dance floor even Kyle and Elina. I want to punch that guy but I cant because I promised Elina I wont.

I looked around to find Sophia sitting on a table drinking champagne. I watched her as she gulped down one glass. Then two. Then Three. As soon as she took the fourth glass I took it out of her hand. She is not going to get drunk on her big night.

"That is enough alcohol for one night sweetheart." I said to her.

She slowly turned around. "Oh so now you have time to see me." She slurred. Great she is already drunk. "Sweetheart lets just go home" I said. Home it was just a house before she came and made it feel like Home.

"What?! No its my party I should enjoy it. You should too lets drink." She said stopping a waiter to take drinks. I looked up to see him checking her out. I glared at him. I stood up and towered over him. "If you so as to even look at her. I will crawl your eyes. Leave." I said to him. He immediately rushed out.

I looked down at Sophia hugging my waist from behind. I turned around to see her pouting. "What happened Sweetheart." I said as I sat down beside her. She pulled me closer our faces inches apart. "Why would you do that. At least someone was interested in me." She said making a sad face.

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