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A/N: I ended up not editing it. No major changes but it kind of hints what Julius' power is. Also, I want a cat. enjoy your reading!!

Her face looked exhausted like she had wasted her whole life on devoting her time to something she didn't even like. And maybe, she is dedicating her life to something she doesn't even like.

Elena's pink eyes narrow as she reads a particular sentence. "Guard for Celine?– Guard for who?" Her pink eyes then landed on him.

Kruess sighs as rubs his palms against his face to try and ease off the tiredness he feels, "The prince ordered me to do it."

Her eyebrows pinched together as she read the whole file again. Her head raises up to look at him and raises a brow in suspicion, "So you decided a demon would be fit for it?"

"Yeah, exactly." He says as if it was common sense, "Now please get out of my room, I need sleep. Or just rest." Elena throws the file towards him then stands up in an animated way, "Well, suit yourself, man." She chuckles quietly, "My advice is to do it right away. The more you hold off, the more you get attached."

He catches the file and scratches the back of his neck in frustration, "I won't. Just please get out of my room." Kruess' gloved hands waved her off in dismissal as he turned around, "Also, thanks for finding the document for me."

In a blink of an eye, she disappears. Without even going out of the door or throwing herself out of the window, she leaves the room.

Kruess sits on a chair, sighing to himself in relief, "Must be convenient to teleport wherever you want." He mutters as he opens the file.

"Hope he doesn't bite."


I have never thought of myself as the type of person to be reincarnated into a novel and have a silent hatred with the body I'm reincarnated in.

How is anyone this messy?

Every step I take without my fluffy slippers makes me feel like I'm stepping in sticky rice. Fucking gross. I mean- how could one sleep inside the room knowing that there might be cockroaches creeping inside your blankets?

I haven't slept all night because of that thought.

Maybe also because I've been slightly obsessing over my current situation but it's normal for a person like me to obsess over my situation. Also, I may have been obsessing with my appearance.

Like oh my god, how could anyone be this pretty? Just imagine what my cousin looks like.

I fold my blankets and, surprisingly, there are no cockroaches lurking inside.

The room is half clean now. All I have to do is try and rummage through my walk-in closet and arrange the dresses and stuff inside of it. I hope Celine at least washes.

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