Chapter 5

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Anya hurried trough the vents with a near silent gait towards the exit.

It had been nearly an hour since she had killed the guards and it that time she had hurried back to her main base of operations and took all that she could feasibly carry around with her. For while she had always been armed and carried an assortment of different things with her at all times, it was quite simply not feasible to always carry everything around with her. The few books and the laptop alone would wheigh her down significantly, which was something to be avoided whenever possible.

She had already packed before, so all she had to do upon reaching her base was grab the bag with her laptop, a solar charger, a few books and other utensils, a sleeping bag and some general survival utensils, check her other equipment and hurry towards the exit. In order to increase her speed to cover the remarkable distance faster she had summoned Beowulf and Uyoku which meant that with their combined boosts she was traveling at double, nearly trple, the speed she would usualy reach, which made everything go so much faster.

By now it was starting to become feasible for the vampires to have discovered what she had done and to give the order to guard the exit. Anya wanted to be gone before that could happen.

By now she had reached the exit and she had to clamp down on her steadily growing excitement and remind herself to not be hasty with the goal dangeling right in front of her.

That was actually one of the key elements of what her parents had taught her.

Never celebrate when your goal is in sight, for when you start to celebrate you lower your guard which drastically increased the chances for failure and demise, even when you had finished you should never let your guard down completely since in that line of work you were never completely out of danger.

Because of that she grew only more vigilant the closer she came to the exit.

And because she had once witnessed Ferid Bathory slaughter a group of children there all the while freedom dangeled in front of them like a carrot on a stick.

In the end her vigilance proved to be a good thing as she otherwise would have hurried right into the line of sight of two patroling vampires that just rounded the corner.

She waited until she was sure their senses couldn't pick her up and went trough the exit into the tunnel leading outside. After a while the end started to get lighter and then the light came trough blindingly and she was outside and breathing fresh air the first time in four years.

This Chapter is relatively short which I apologize for but this was kind of the end of the first arc. Next we will have an interlude on who the mysterious observer from last Chapter was.

I hope you enjoy.

The Shadow AssassinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon