Chapter 8

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Anya had prepared herself for this. For this challenge.

To sneak into the Officer Library in Shibuya.

Military Buildings that she didn't know the layout of, where she would be going into completely blind.

It excited her, even though she tried to quell that sense of excitement. It was a distraction that she couldn't afford.

First Anya made her way to Ikebukuro, where it was laughably easy to sneak into and reach the subway, where she saw that her suspicions were correct and the subway tunnel had caved in. But what hadn't caved in was the maintainance tunnel.

Making her way trough the tunnel she played a bit with Beowulfs light ability. Using Beowulf to make light shine from her body in order to enable herself to see in the perpetual darkness of the small tunnel.

It around two hours to reach Shibuya in which nothing happened.

So she had used the time to experiment a bit more with Beowulfs ability to make her body shine. She had managed different intensitys of light, once even a really blinding light, but it had been intense to hold and as such Anya figured that until she could train that ability up to sufficient levels that she would use it sparingly.

Furthermore she had had the idea to see if Beowulf could suck light into as well as distribute it, but the few attempts she had made at it hadn't wielded any results. Something for later experimentations she supposed.

Once she finally reached Shibuya, she took a moment to ready herself and then peeked around the corner. There was a bit of rubble, but by far not as much as in Ikebukuro. Otherwisse the station seemed mostly intact, if not abandoned.

Being careful, she sneaked through the quiet station with Uyoku equiped, always ready to dash into the far shadows and out of sight.

When she reached the exit, she made a daring dash into the open and to the corner of the next building, hiding in its shadow. After nothing happened for a moment, she disappeared into the dark back alleys.

After weaving trough the back alleys of which she had memorised the layout that she had found in a plan in the Ikebukuro Library, she had reached the military buldings.

They were guarded and not something that unautorized persons could access.

And she was unauthorized.

But that didn't matter for her, as with the help of Uyoku she had reached an outcropping on the shadow side of the bulding from which she could reach the next and the next, till she reached the roof. The outcroppings at the building had been small and spaced quite a bit appart, but with the help of Uyoku it was relatively easy to reach the roof.

On the roof, there were several vent openings, all covered and locked of course but that didn't stop her, and she entered the building through it.

It took another hour to find the Library but when she did, there were people there.

Two of them, and from the uniforms they were pretty high up.

Once she got a glimpse of their faces she knew that she had just scored high.

It were Guren Ichinose and Shinya Hiragi.

Before the Apokalypse she had learned about many of the different familys that were involved in the shadows and there she had learned about them. Both were familys involved with the supernatural side of things.

Both had dabbled with the seraph of the end. And something must have happened, even though she didn't know what.

Something that stroke her as odd though was the way that Iyashi heated up the closer she got to them. She didn't know what to make of it that the Iyashi was reacting to their presence and she didn't know why it did.

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