Chapter 7

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It have been six months since Anya had escaped from Sanguinem and in that time she had made her new base inside the ruins of an old hide out of the mafia.

The reason for why she had chosen it, was because it was relatively hidden, armoured with anti-tank walls, had a big reservoir of weapons and enough canned food to feed twenty grown men for an entire year as well as an independent power generator and water filtration system. As well as more luxurious essentials like heating, baths, cleaners and nice and big beds.

Anya didn't really need such a big bed but even though she would never admit it and often enough wasn't even aware of it herself, she was still a child deep down and as such she couldn't resist indulging in such a rather simple luxury.

But she wasn't complacent in the time since her escape.

She patrolled regularly around her new base to keep the area clear of horsemen, though she was careful to not keep it too clear as that would just attract attention, something that she didn't want.

She also used the horsemen of john as training dummies, which lead to her having become a lot more proficient with both Beowulf and Uyoku.

She had also spent a lot of time observing (read: spying) the ‚Order of the Imperial Demons', or as they are known now, the ‚Japanese Imperial Demon Army'.

They were now the main human power in the former country of Japan and they controlled three still mostly intact citys: Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ikebukuro.

They made them into bastions of their power though they didn't seem to care all that much about Ikebukuro as it was the least defended. In comparison to Shibuya, where their Headquarters was located, it actually seemed a bit defenseless.

That had made sneaking into Ikebukuro for information gathering ridiculously easy. She didn't even have to try all that much.

Though she had noticed that some vampires had done the same for some reason that she couldn't quite fathom. In the end it didn't actually matter to her and she didn't do anything about it either. It wasn't her problem after all.

But she had concluded that any really meaningful information was being kept in Shibuya and as such she had concluded that she would sneak in there next. The plan was to get into the officer library and to get all the information about the inner order of the JIDA that she could.

The first step for that would be to sneak into the city through the subway. In Ikebukuro she had found the blueprints of the Subway connecting Ikebukuro, Shinjuku and Shibuya. Most of the main tunnels would probaply be collapsed but the maintainance tunnels should still be intact. She would use those to reach Shibuya.

From there she planned to use the back alleys as much as possible to get close to the military buildings. Then using all the stealth skills that her parents had taught her she would sneak into the buildings and move mostly through the vents again.

For that the problem was that she unsurprisingly couldn't find any blueprints of the military buildings and as such she will have to go into there blind, meaning that she will have to be extra careful.

It wouldn't be like sneaking into Ikebukuro which was relatively defenseless, or like moving around Sanguinem where she had ample time to explore and memorise the ventilation system.

She wouldn't have that much time, would be in unknown territory and would have to be really careful to not get caught.

It was a challenge and she couldn't help but be extra determined to see it trough.

Once she was then in the library she would scan and download all the information that she could get her hands on and then retreat back to her hideout to analyse and aknowledge the information.

But that would have to wait, as she could hear voices in the distance, meaning that a patrol was near.

Anya got up from the bed where she had been lying and planning her next moves to get up and manifested Uyoku.

Weaving her way trough the base she got to the well concealed entrance to the place. It was actually a caved in ceiling but due to the height of the room, it would be virtually impossible for an ordinary human to get in or out. It was to high for a normal human to get out and to deep for an ordinary human to get down uninjured.

With her many skills Anya could have managed, but even she would have had problems with it and as such ruled the possiblity for it to be a base out, but due to the Uyoku, both the active and passive boosts that it gave her it was actually plausible for her to get quickly in and out.

Others would look at it and just see rubble and a deep hole.

With a leap assisted by Uyoku Anya lept out and quickly hid herself.

There, a bit of a distance away but still pretty close was a JIDA patrol.

The route of each patrol varied each time, depending on who lead it and what they had already encountered, so while it wasn't often that a patrol came into this particular area, it did still happen.

Usually that was a good oportunity to observe them, and see what their conversations gave away.

This particular patrol proved to be a gold mine of information.

There were two loudmouths in the patrol and as such she was able to learn a great deal.

Some of them things she wouldn't have really found out about otherwise.

Like the fact that supposedly the one leading the vampire extermination unit had picked up a stray some months back.

A boy with black hair and green eyes that seemed pretty rough around the edges and appeared half feral.

They didn't understand what was so special about that boy that Guren Ichinose had taken in. All they knew was that the boy had been found outside around six months ago and that he was taken into the city, despite the fact that others that were found outside often weren't taken into the City.

Anya recognized that the boy was from Sanguinem and it briefly peaked her interest, but in the end she didn't care enough.

But she said to herself that if she saw an opportunity, she would look into it.

But if not, it wouldn't matter to her.

She cared to little about others for that.

Whew. That has taken a lot longer than I had planned for it to take.

But now it's finished, even if I didn't really have either the time or the nerves to really proofread it for grammer, etc...

But nonetheless, here it is. Chapter seven and the beginn of the second arc. I have already planned the second arc out and only have to write it, and the third arc is already forming. After the third arc we'll start into the happenings of the manga and anime. Though be warned, I haven't really read the manga and it has been years since I last saw the anime, so it will life of of the wiki summarys.

But that is then and not yet here. So with that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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