i. disappearance

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"Oliver, duck!"

Oliver swore and barely had the time to duck in order to dodge a car tire that flew over his head and exploded a few metres away from him, making his ears slightly ring. He shot a glare at Sara, who flashed her a smirk in return.

"You could've warned me sooner, Sara," he grumbled.

"Where the hell's Barry?" Oliver shouted over the loud noise of the bullets raining on the side of the vehicle both he and Sara had taken cover behind. "He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago!"

Sara shrugged in response and opened her mouth to speak but it was lost in the loud noise that was hard to associate with anything.

"Where do you think I am?" Barry's voice came through the comn link. "You know, there are several civilians standing around the danger zone. And at any rate, Kara is providing as much back up as you need until I'm done."

Oliver gritted his teeth to bite back a remark, but couldn't help but agree with the speedster. He peered over the top beside Sara, and found out that the robotic machine that had been shooting at them had been thrown into the side of the building.

Barry had decided to bring over Kara to help with the invasion of the mechanical robots that they were fighting against. Kara had destroyed at least thirty of the ugly machines. At the moment, she was trying to take down a walking machine that was roughly eight feet tall.

It had mounted guns which were doing very little to hurt her. Sparks were flying from her chest as the bullets ricochet off of her impenetrable skin. Most of the robots on the ground had arrows sticking out of them, thanks to Oliver while the other robots .... had arrows bouncing off them.

There were several other machines, each with different designs, and had mounted grenade launchers and flame throwers. At one point Sara could've sworn she saw one with rocket launchers, that was until Kara destroyed it.

Both Sara and Oliver watched Kara blast one of the machines with her heat vision as it turned a bright white-red colour before melting into a puddle of goo. Only then did the archer and the ex-assassin stood up with their bow and bo staff ready.

The two walked out in the open but kept an eye open for any of the remaining machines as well as avoiding the bubbling molten metal. They didn't even want to think what would happen if it came in contact with their skin.

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