Chapter 2

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So my editor and me had gone through and fixed up the chapter's of the first three books but guess what. The edited versions never replaced the already posted one's.... I rage quited hence the reason for no updates.


Obi-Wan and Luke left the house and I looked at my kids, "Quinten Kenobi get your behind in this room now." I said.

"Yes mom?" Quinten questioned.

"Alright you three, I know you're hidding something from me and your father, what is it?" I asked.

"We may have said your name while there were some troopers around us." Quinten said.

"You did what?" I asked thinking I heard incorectly.

"Mom, it's as you heard." Quincy said.

"Quincy, Quinten, go get your father. Meet Cecilia and I in Mos Eisley. Have your sabers and blasters on you." I said. Both boys nodded and I opened the vault where I kept mine and Kenobi's lightsabers and credits in. I grabbed everything I would need and headed out to my speeder in the back of the house. Cecilia joined me after she grabbed her things.

"Mom you'll see everything will be alright." Cecilia said after she settled into the speeder.

"Let us hope so Cecilia. Let us hope so." I said already heading over to Mos Eisley. Once there I noticed there were more troops than there used to be. Either they're here for the droids or they're looking for me. It could always be both too.

They stopped us and I relaxed knowing that if thy were looking for me, there was nothing I could do against them, "Excuse me ma'am how long have you had this droid?" A commander asked.

"Thirty-one years sir." I said looking at him.

"Can we see your identification?" He asked.

"Of course." I said as I pulled it out and handed it to him. He handed it back to me.

"Move along." He said. I kept on driving until I reached the Mos Eisley canteen.  

We waited outside the bar for the boys. They finally pulled up beside us. After Obi-Wan climbed out he walked up slowly to me, "What happened?" He asked.

"The boys had a slip up and said my real name by some troopers. Perhaps also the reason there's more troopers than usual around the space port." I started then paused, "Here, your saber." I said handing it over. He took it and started to talk with Luke while Cecilia, Quincy, Quinten, and I walked into the bar. I walked around looking for the one person who the triplets knew so well. I heard commotion on one side of the bar and I knew right away who that could be. Only reason I didn't go over to check it out was because the triplets and I found the person we were looking for.

Han Solo the Captain of the Milleniun Falcon. He looked up and waved us over, "If it isn't the trio? It's good to see you again Mrs. Kenobi." Han said offering us a seat. 

"It's good to see you again Han. We have a job for you." I said as the triplets took seat after I did.

"What would that be?" He asked. I was about to continue when Obi-Wan and Luke walked over. Chewbacca started to talk to Han and I smiled at the two who were starring at me. Now that I remember Obi-Wan never got the chance to meet Han, "Say would you mind if I bring those two over to talk business?" Han asked.

"Not at all they're with us too." I said. Obi-Wan and Luke joined us while the triplets went off to find trouble or information they could use for the rebels.

"So Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system." Han says.

"Yes. If it's a fast ship." Obi-Wan said.

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