Chapter 28

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12 days later

Today is the day my findings finally reach the public. I can't wait to see the faces of the dark side when their one and only nitpick is now not usable. Yay! Anyway I finished the ritual yesterday/today night at 12:00. Currently past me is tutoring a bunch of morons from the third years and below , so I can't be seen in public. I mean how idiotic do you have to be to not be able to do the summoning charm? That may be waved of as lack of talent but when terry asked what is the importance I nearly wanted to bust his head like a coconut.

Fleurs initiation Into the harem was completed. Yay!! She has a ring and knows a bit more than most mages. She has an affinity for fire as expected and is complete pants in any other element. She is in the pale liquid stage. Pretty talented as well.

I have been awaiting for the effects of the ritual to set in. The effects are better than I could have ever hoped for, hell i may break through into crystal by the first task! I am so happy. I already triple checked for all signs or residues on me, no side effects. Yay! There are no sudden visible signs but that is to be expected when having a growth ritual. Also today should have been the day I became quidditch captain. But the tournament happened instead.

More good news. I managed to convince all the judges to take a magical vow to vote completely fairly. So no kakaroff showing favoritism. Yay!!! Also the girls are getting more ferocious in their appetite and I as a gentleman must fulfill their needs for completely selfless reasons nope not one ounce of lust.

Still the good news doesn't end there oh nonono. I had become a hero to all werewolves and their sympathizers. If I wasn't a national hero before ,now I certainly am. The amount of blind loyalty I received was unbelievable. Fudge is gonna get strong armed one day or the other by the public to give me a Merlin first class. It doesn't help that my faction and the light are basically pressuring fudge into doing it. The dark side doesn't even have a good reason to deny me. They have given gilderoy Lockhart a order of Merlin for making everyone believe the sun rises from his ass, but they can't give the curer of lycantrophy one.

If you believe that is the end of good news then you are wrong. Apoline and gabrielle are visiting. As per the law of equivalent exchange,

(mortals cantor consummate any one thing destitute of anticident bequeathing substance in recompensation)

when I tighten her holes, her mouth must becomes very loose, apparently apoline is even more of a slut then fleur.

Yay! But I am by no means a pedophile so I shall regard graveller as a cute little bunny. Or as a purple bunny with a child murdering spree and animatronic degree who may or may not be a digital cult and who's body is made from the anguish of children Channeled into a animatronic Body and Sent to be tormented for eternity by the very kids he murdered By his own abused son, who he indirectly killed and then put back together as a robotic menace and was found out when his insides were scooped out and used a resting place for the amalgamation of animatronics you created by melting down the Original 5 animatronics anguished fueled metals into new ones.(pls tell me you get the reference)( thanks matpat for the theories)

If you believe that this is the end of the good news then you are right...moving on

The first challenge is a while later. My spiders have confirmed my fears Ludo bagman is an impostor, sadly I have no proof by legal means. Anyway to expose him without gaining suspicions is to do it legally or make it seem like an accident. This does make it easy to pinpoint the movements of moldyshorts. It turns out to fuse old voldy and young tommy Into a new more powerful body, a ritual is required. This ritual doesn't require the bones of his father but the blood of his mortal enemy/enemies. Since both of them hate me more than anyone else save fumbledore here, I am the prime target for blood extraction.

The easiest way to do this is for me to give him a packet of blood, why!?? You may ask, well the ritual requires the blood of the enemy unwillingly given so If I willingly give him my blood, I should be free from his clutches. And since voldyshorts has lost himself to the dark side, his reasoning skills have gone down considerably and any of his servants who correct him are dead, I have no reason to worry.

Also I want to see his face when he has me in the graveyard all tied up but can't pierce my skin. My armor like skin will destroy any non enchanted weapons. Like for example say a ritual knife. Also I don't know how they could knock me out. UI and Godspeed can demolish A lot of Death eaters. I mean like eradicate from the face of the planet.

Anyway I am getting off track, what are my legal means. Amelia bones, animagus, Rita skeeter and my voting block. These are the only legal means that I can use to find out the real ludo bagman. I checked each and every briefcase in the castle and none of the items have the lock or enchantment applied. So maybe he is under the imperious? Yeah that is the most plausible answer.

The fast approaching first task was told to og Harry by hagrid, but my relationship with hagrid isn't good. I mean I know him well and he has a favorable impression of me but it is nowhere near the original Harry's friendship with hagrid. I of course already know the task. I am planning to show a bit of my strength during the tournament. The only way is to excel in the first task by a major degree and sweep the competition.

Cause you know the second and third tasks are staring at a lake and staring at a maze. Very bad audience viewing games I must say. Like imagine football but you could only see the scoreboard and never the field like what's the point. You may as well stay home and read the results the next day. Only the first task gives me a way to properly show off. Also my fire mastery is extremely high. High enough to redirect others flames, like say a dragons flames.

Yeah that's my plan. Simply walk straight through the fire and take the egg. Simple and snowy just the way I like it.

Authors notes: currently avatar is winning. With Dc in second and dxd In third. My avatar fix will be with aang after he goes into the iceberg. The si will have all the avatar abilities and will be the air avatar. He will also learn all the elements but I haven't decided if he needs to travel alone or with katara or with sokka and katara. Also should it be a harem, if so what about sokka. I have three options

1. BasH sokka and take katara with aang

2. Make aang go solo

3. Gender bend sokka.

Problem with first. Sokka is a beloved character and bashing may lead to negative reaction

Second. No harem and may get boring with only aang alone

Third. gender is a part of sokka's character and his character arc.

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