The Big Fight

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*as Kai stopped at a building, Trollex went back to his original self, all tiny and all, as he gained a Hair upgrade with white hair, his hairband gone, and moon prints on each of his legs*

Kai: Who are you?

King Trollex: Do you want me to tell you so badly? I'm a King. I'm a DJ. I'm a friend to everyone. I am . . . The true Moon God. *Trollex starts building his friends out of chi, to battle in the final battle*.

Kai: You seriously think these chi friends will help you in your battle? You're still a tiny weakling. I could take your chi in two seconds now.

King Trollex: *angry* I may be small. But I can do big things! Charge! *all the Chi Characters and Trollex run to fight him*

Kai: *screams, fights*

King Trollex: Chi Mulan and Chi Rapunzel! The blades!

*Chi Mulan and Chi Rapunzel take the blades and eat the blades*

King Trollex: Okay, you didn't have to eat the blades but if you're hungry . . .

*as the Chi Characters kept fighting, Trollex went behind Kai and took all the Chi Characters and formed it in one Big ball*

Kai: You think I can't defeat you? I totally can! *runs back and runs to Trollex with his Glowing Green hands*

King Trollex: You want my chi? Take it. *throws the big ball at Kai*

Kai: Yes, the power! No, wait, it's too much! *all the Jade amulets turn yellow* Stop!

King Trollex: Deal with it.

Kai: No! *huge light explosion appears*

*back at the Dark Zone*

Bliss Marina: Trollex? Whoa! *tons of Jade Amulets turn the people back to normal, even Reef and Poppy and the Moon God*

Reef Marina: *groans* *gasps* Bliss!

Bliss Marina: Reef! *both Reef and Bliss hug* *tears of Joy*

Reef Marina: I gotta admit, this is weirder than the World Tour.

Bliss Marina: Well, the good news is, the Universe can stay afloat once more. But about Trollex . . .

Tigress: Isn't he supposed to be back?

*at the Spirit Realm, Trollex with his new look and a Turtle fall down. The turtle falls down on a tree, while Trollex falls down in some golden water*

King Trollex: *spits out the gold water that accidently got in his mouth*

???: Welcome to the Spirit Realm.

King Trollex: Who are you?

???: My name is Master Oogway. I am part of the Kung Fu Panda World. I live here, in the Spirit Realm.

King Trollex: Well, my name is King Trollex of the Techno Trolls. I am Part of the Trolls World Tour World.

Master Oogway: I've heard of you. We hear about everything in every universe. You know, the Dragon Warrior, Po dealt with this same thing that you just dealt with. Here, take a seat.

King Trollex: Okay. *sits on the Tree*

Master Oogway: He dealt with the same battle with Kai. He was at this exact location. I gave him a staff to go back.

King Trollex: I can go back?

Master Oogway: Well, if Po tried, then use your fin.

*Trollex uses his fin to swirl a way back home*

Master Oogway: See you!

King Trollex: Hope to see you again!

*at the Dark Zone, colors fly up, filling the place with color as King Trollex, in his Moon outfit, pops up*

Bliss Marina: *gasps happily*

Reef Marina: Bro!

Queen Poppy: I can't believe it!

Tigress: He can . . . fly?

*the petals pop off as Trollex falls*

King Trollex: *screams, falls*

Bliss Marina: We'd thought you be gone forever.

King Trollex: Nope. All of you guys saved me. *hugs Bliss, Reef and Poppy*

Moon God: Excuse me for a second! *walks up to Trollex* You may be a little guy, but you did a great big thing, saving your tribe and our universes. Which is why . . . you deserve this.*hands him the fishing rod*

King Trollex: Really? I can't. I still have a tribe to take care of.

Moon God: You can still take care of them.

King Trollex: Aww, thanks. *grabs the Fishing Rod* But what about you?

Moon God: I still have some loose ends to tie up. *looks at Mickey*

Mickey: Aww, shucks.

King Trollex: Wait, this is all nice and all, but, what about this place? *the stairs reappear* You know what, i think we just created a new universe. Together.

*walk out of the new universe*

King Trollex: I think it's time we all introduced you . . . to the DreamWorks Universe.

King Trollex in The Moon Universe حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن