Finding Their Sisters Trip 1

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      Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys thought. I finally introduced April even though it was pretty short so far, but the next chapter will be all about her, Evie, Mal, Lola, and the other Feel The Beat dancers as like with Lola I wanted to introduce her first before getting into the whole bonding experience.

Fairy Godmother just laughed as she watched the two girls both break from the hug and run over to her eager to find out more about their other two sisters. "Okay well I see you two are eager. So here we are. I found out that April used to be on Broadway as a dancer. But she now teaches at a dance studio for little kids in New Hope, Wisconsin for competitive dancing. And Ava is in college at a very competitive college called BHU in Oregon in which she is there for fashion designing like you Evie," Fairy Godmother told the two making Evie really excited about the last part as Ava liked designing like her.

"Wait really! That sounds so cool! I mean another sister of mine that loves fashion and designing like me! And I love that April works with little kids! Kids are just so adorable! We need to meet them! Just imagine how much fun that would be!" Evie practically squealed out as she was no longer upset about this whole thing and was now excited about meeting more of her sisters especially Ava who designs like her.

Lola just laughed as she looked at Evie. "Oh wow look who's all excited now," Lola teasingly told Evie, making Evie just smile back at Lola. "Yeah because I finally have someone that I can talk to about designing since Mal is too young to care, Audrey loves fashion but she doesn't care about how it's made, Uma could care less about fashion, and Jane bless her heart I try to help her, but she just doesn't understand," Evie told Lola forgetting that Fairy Godmother was in the room.

"Evie you do know you're talking about my dear daughter when you just said she doesn't understand fashion," Fairy Godmother told Evie, making Evie gasp in embarrassment as she forgot Fairy Godmother was standing there.

"Oh my gosh! Fairy Godmother I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend Jane, I mean I love her. She's just the sweetest girl ever. It's just that her fashion senses could use a little work, but she's still such a beautiful girl with an amazing personality. She could just look even better if she knew a little more about fashion," Evie rambled out nervously as she hadn't meant to offend anyone and she was afraid Fairy Godmother would tell Jane what she said.

Fairy Godmother and Lola both just laughed as they watched Evie start to freak out. "Evie, it's okay. I know what you meant. I know you are such a kind girl and would never purposely mean to offend anyone. Now about your sisters I can send you two to see them. You may want to take this paper that explains everything otherwise they will probably never believe such a thing," Fairy Godmother told Evie and Lola, making Evie nod as she took the paper.

"Yeah you're right and we should probably get Mal too because I don't feel comfortable leaving Mal with Audrey for that long. She may be comfortable with Audrey and the others for a few hours, but any longer and she freaks out and we could be gone for a long time," Evie rambled out again making Fairy Godmother just nod in understanding as she knew how clingy kid could be to their parents as Jane had been the same way when she was younger.

"Of course why don't you go get Mal and if Jane is there maybe Jane could help you two get to where you need to be otherwise you can come back here and I can get you there," Fairy Godmother told Evie and Lola just making them smile.

"Okay and thank you so much for your help. You're always so helpful whenever I need it," Evie told Fairy Godmother and Lola just smiled as she agreed. "Yeah you're pretty cool! I mean imagine having magic like that! That would be awesome!" Lola told Fairy Godmother, making her laugh. "Yeah well you're welcome. Now I'll see you girls, but I should be going. Remember just come back here if you need anything else and I will be happy to help," Fairy Godmother told the two girls as she waved goodbye and they left to head towards Audrey's house to get Mal.

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