Reunited Sisters Bonding

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Author's Note: I know that I said I would be introducing the other two sisters in this chapter, but I felt like doing a sister bonding chapter between Evie and Lola first since I hadn't given them much one on one time yet in this story and felt like I should add some. Anyway I promise the next chapter will be introducing April and the chapter after will be introducing Ava as I want to do a chapter for each sister. And I already did Lola this chapter, so next will be April and then after that will be Ava. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys thought. And this story is just getting started as I have so many more ideas now that I can't wait to explore, but I have to finish introducing the other sisters first.

Evie just sighed as she looked at her happy baby sister. "Mal sweetie I love you but please don't talk right now. Normally I would love to hear your crazy stories and your silly input, but right now I could really do without your excitement," Evie told the four year old as she was too upset about her mother hiding three more of her sisters and the happy four year old was just not helping her irritation.

She wasn't in the mood to be entertaining the four year old and Mal being excited over having more siblings was just making her more angry as Mal didn't even understand what their mother had done.

Mal just stared at Evie in complete shock as Evie had just called her stories crazy and her input silly. Mal had always thought that her mommy liked to hear her stories and her input now she was finding out that Evie really didn't.

Mal just started crying as she looked at Evie in hurt. "Mommy you're a meanie! You told me you loved my stories! But now you're calling them crazy!" Mal cried out, making Evie just sigh in frustration as she was just not in the mood to be her normal happy self that could easily deal with the four year old.

Before Evie could lose it as she was already on the edge of completely losing it Audrey picked up Mal from Evie as she could see Evie starting to get really frustrated and she knew that Mal was really not helping the situation.

"Okay violet let's give your mommy a little bit of a break. Come on let's go play at my place," Audrey told the four year old without even asking Evie if she could take Mal. Mal just giggled as she looked at Audrey.

"Hehe you're silly! My name isn't violet, it's Mal! You're silly Audrey!" The small four year old told Audrey while laughing as she thought Audrey was being silly and she didn't realize that Audrey was using a nickname.

Audrey just laughed as she ticked the small girl. "I know Mal, but I was trying out a new nickname since you love purple," Audrey told the small four year old making the girl giggle as she tried to push Audrey's tickling fingers away.

"Hehe Audrey stop that tickles," Mal told the older girl, making Audrey laugh more as she tried to walk out with Mal as the others except for Lola and Fairy Godmother had taken Jenny to tour Auradon as they knew that Evie and Lola needed some time to process everything.

Just as Audrey was walking out with Mal, Evie grabbed Audrey by her arm immediately stopping her from taking off with the small four year old. Evie just looked at Audrey as if Audrey had completely lost her mind as she quickly grabbed Mal from Audrey.

"Audrey what the heck? You can't just take my sister especially not without my permission," Evie told Audrey as she couldn't believe Audrey almost just took off with her little sister. Especially since Audrey didn't even ask permission and she knew how Evie felt about leaving Mal with others. She trusted Audrey, but only when she had to. Evie preferred to not have to leave Mal with anyone.

Audrey just rolled her eyes as she looked at Evie. "Okay forgive me for wanting to help my friend who is clearly going through a lot right now," Audrey told her friend in annoyance as Evie was being rude to her when she had just wanted to help her friend. She had seen how upset and frustrated her friend was and felt that it would be best if she helped her out with her sister, but apparently Evie didn't need her help.

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