Start from the beginning

maison that's so weird. why would you think that?

we arrive at the playground. rudy grins cheekily at me. i laugh at his silliness but step on the blue colored platform that leads to the same colored steps. i run up the remainder when i hear rudy step on after me.

"hey!" he complains.

i laugh and turn the only way i can go when i reach the top, which is left. there's a yellow ladder leading further upwards or a little bridge to a look out spot.

i go with the ladder. rudy follows me up after a moment. we're too big for the structure to go on it at once.

"how the hell did you," rudy winces, "fit through here." he grunts, finally squeezing through the small hole provided in the floor.

as dirty and disgusting as this place probably is, i sit on the edge where there's an opening to go down the fire pole. or whatever it's called. i let my feet dangle, setting my phone in my lap.

"my shoulders aren't as broad as yours." i respond, scooting as far to the left as i can. rudy joins me, bumping shoulders with mine on accident. "see."

he rolls his eyes, kicking my right foot lightly. i chuckle.

"scoot." he mumbles, pouting as he tries to fully fit in the opening.

"this is meant for a child, not two fully grown adults." i chide. "plus i'm as far over as i can get."

rudy groans in annoyance. laughing softly, i scoot backwards a bit, pulling my right leg up and leaving my left dangling. i tuck my right leg against my body, almost as if i was going to sit criss-cross. my knee falls behind rudy's back and presses into him a bit but he doesn't seem to mind.

"better?" i inquire. i was now far back enough that i was sat a bit behind him. if i leant forward and to the side my cheek would be against his shoulder blade.

"much." he replies happily. we sit in silence for a few minutes, both looking down at the chaos in front of us. our friends are still fairly close by and thankfully not paying attention to us. god knows how badly i'd be embarrassed if austin and drew started rambling. they hadn't stopped since i made the group chat. i almost regret putting them in there, but they're like brothers to me, and i wanted their advice.

a firework suddenly booms in the sky and i jump, caught off guard. rudy splutters with laughter and i whine, kicking his feet a little.

"i hate you." i pout, crossing my arms childishly. he giggles and pulls my arms apart, pushing a finger against my jaw to turn my head.

"you're gonna miss 'em." he continues to chuckle softly.

we watch the show in silence, just enjoying the night. at some point i find myself scooting towards him a little more in order to lean against his shoulder. i hadn't even realized i'd done it. but if i pulled away so soon that would be weird! oh god what do i do.

he relaxes against my touch and lets me stay.

a red and green firework goes off, reminding me of ariel for some reason. i start humming under the sea which makes rudy giggle but he doesn't stop me.

his giggle is so cute. universe end me now before i fall too hard for this boy.

a firework boomed loudly right afterwards. it was like the universe was laughing at me.

"when this is over do you wanna get milkshakes?" rudy asks suddenly. his head is still tilted back a bit, eyes on the fireworks. i admire his side profile for a moment while i have the chance.

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