Chapter 18:Rey Solo

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3 months later

Rey was VERY pregnant now. She kind of hated it. It was going to be over soon in a week or so but still, even then she wouldn't be able to help the Jedi for another few months. Rey knew that she could leave the kids with Ben but she wanted to be there with them and him to get through all of this. Something else that really annoys her is that she couldn't do anything without Ben's help. She knew that it wasn't his fault but Rey found herself getting annoyed with him several times recently. She really appreciated how he never got angry with her and would just smile and continue to offer help. Rey basically rolled out of bed and went to get some water. Ben was still sleeping and she didn't want to wake him up this time because of how late he was up last night making sure that she was ok.

Poe and Finn had come by several times recently and had given them a ton of supplies for the babies, and had helped make the room and decorate it. Rey was very appreciative of everyone's help and she knew that it was going to be ok but something still worried her. She had a bad feeling about things. She knew that her brother would try and find them and if he did she knew that he would either kill her children or try and take one or more of them for the dark side. Rey worried about Ben too. He wouldn't tell her but she was sure that he was still having nightmares about the dark side either threatening him and trying to tempt him. She knew that he wouldn't fall back to his old ways, but she was really worried about his sanity. Ben was really stressed recently and Rey thought that the only way that he could unwind was to get out of the house and stretch but it wasn't like that was possible right now. Marie wasn't lying when she told Poe that she was going to increase the search for Ben. Every day 3 patrols would go out to different systems and search the planets and moons. She was sure that the only reason the search parties hadn't come to her was because Marie trusted Rey and thought that she couldn't possibly hide Ben. She sat at the table and had breakfast. There wasn't a lot for her to do. Rey heard Ben get up and walked toward the dining area. She thought that he would come out soon and had got some food made for him. She looked at him and pointed at the food since her mouth was still full. He smiled and kissed her forehead and sat down.

"Do you want to make a plan for today?" He asked her in between eating.

Rey nodded. "I like doing that. It makes me go less crazy."

Ben laughed. "Me too. Stretches, meditation, I'll collect the moisture and sell it in town, you do breathing exercises.. I don't know anything else?"

"I don't think so. We have the babies room all set up, the house looks a lot nicer and bigger than when we moved in. I think that's it. Pretty much what we do everyday." She sighed.

Ben shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth and stood up.

"I'm going to go do the moisture stuff now so we can get some more credits and then I don't have to leave for the rest of the day."

Rey nodded at him and decided to do some stretches before he came back. Ben was gone for maybe an hour and when he came back he tossed the credits on the table.

"I think some Black Sun goons are taking stuff from the people in town. The woman I usually sell stuff to paid me more than usual. I dunno what happened but boy, did she want the water more than usual."

"I hope she's ok..." Rey was worried about the news of the Black Sun here on Tatooine. Had Darth Caedus found her?

Ben shrugged. "I can check it out tomorrow." He rolled his eyes and sarcastically said "Wow, how far I've risen. I went from ruler of the galaxy to a moisture farmer/detective."

Rey nudged him with her shoulder. "Well most people hated you as the Supreme Leader so I'd say you're in a good place here."

Ben laughed. "Good point. Plus this way I have you. That's pretty good."

Rey smiled at him. "I need to meditate. I want to make sure that everything is ok."

Ben nodded. "Sounds good. I need to clean up from the desert sand and I'll meet you in the room."

Rey sat on the floor in front of their bed and waited for him. Ben sat next to her and the both took a deep breath and closed their eyes. Rey felt the power of the force flow through her and she felt the need to open her eyes. When she opened them she was in the star covered area that she was almost 3 years ago when she almost died against Palpatine. She looked around and didn't see anyone. She turned around confused.

"Lost are we?"

Rey sighed and turned back around to see Luke.

"You guys need to stop doing that trick."

Luke laughed at her. "Well, I wasn't a very good master when I was alive so I get to have fun with you when I'm dead." He paused. "You're wondering why so many force ghosts have come to you and Ben recently when you haven't heard from us in a long time."

Rey nodded. "Something is happening soon isn't it? This isn't just a short war. Darth Caedus, Yuuzhan Vong, and the Black Sun are all connected."

Luke looked grimly at her. "Yes. It's all connected through the dark side of the force. I can't see the plans. I can't see into the Black Sun and Darth Caedus because he has almost completely taken over the Black Sun and is using the dark side to cloud their movement. I don't know why I can't sense the Yuuzhan Vong. I can't see them, and I can't sense their allegiance in the force..."

Rey thought for a minute. "Well they're from out of the galaxy right? Maybe that's why we can't see them in the force?"

Luke shook his head. "That's certainly part of it, but I can't sense their movement within the galaxy either. I thought it was because they were hanging around your brother but even in these battles waging around the galaxy, I can't sense what they are doing."

Rey was really confused. Then something clicked inside of her head. "Luke. Is it possible that they are immune to the force?"

Luke looked at her for a minute before slowly responding. "Yes....If that is the truth then everything you do against them must be very calculated. You wouldn't be able to use force techniques against them and you wouldn't be able to sense them. It would be impossible to predict their moves. Whatever you do, be careful." He started to disappear. "You are important for the future Rey.... The galaxy needs you and Ben."

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