HimUp - Plot Twist

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“Junnie, you're really close to Jongup, right?” Himchan asked after a few seconds of silence. He and Junhong were standing in his kitchen, while their friends had fallen asleep in the living room while watching a movie.

“I think so. Why?”

The older looked at his feet. “Do you know if he, um...” he nervously scratched the back of his neck, “Do you think he would like to go on a date with me?”

A grin spread on Junhong's face. “Yes, I'm sure he'd love that.”

Himchans face lit up. “Really? I mean... Do you think he likes me?”

“I'm sure he'll kill me if he ever finds out I told you this, but...” he trailed off and went to close the door to the living room, “He does. But Himchan... You should be prepared to meet a whole new side of him when you get closer. He may look like he's just a quiet, spaced-out weeb, but on the inside...” he shook his head. “I won't say anything, just be prepared for some surprises.”

Himchan smiled at him. “Don't worry, I'm sure I can handle it.”

Junhong nodded, grinning. He couldn't wait to see Himchans reaction when he found out about the true depth of Jongups personality.

“Hey...” Himchan said as he opened the door for Jongup. He had asked the younger to come over and eat together, then have a movie night. Jongup grinned. “Hi. Sorry, I'm a bit late, I had to finish the episode.”

“No problem. We've got time.” Himchan smiled, trying to be less nervous. He had not directly asked jongup for a date, just for a nice evening together, so hopefully he would find a way to somehow introduce the topic during the evening.

They ordered pizza and then got comfortable on the big sofa in the living room, putting on a movie Jongup had wanted to show him. “Don't worry about the volume” Himchan said when the boy gave him a questioning look, “My parents aren't home, we can be as loud as we want, ass long as it doesn't disturb the neighbors.” Yes, he was fully aware of how that sounded. He wanted to see how Jongup would react to him saying things like that.

The younger chuckled. “Good to know.” he said, then turned up the volume and leaned back to watch the movie.

Himchan bit his lower lip. Sure, Junhong had said Jongup liked him, but still he felt insecure if Jongup really did. He felt like he had to be careful to not be too weird in front of the boy.

Two hours later, they had just started the next DVD (yes, they liked it oldschool), Himchan felt like he had to do something. Their talks had been way too normal, they had even spoken about the weather, what was that even supposed to be? He had to take a step forward.

Scooting closer to Jongup, he wrapped an arm around the boys shoulders. Jongup smiled and cuddled up against him. “Took you a while.” He said with a chuckle, causing himchan to look surprised. “What do you mean?”

“I've been waiting all night for you to make a move.” he put his hand on Himchans thigh and looked at him. “How could you keep me waiting so long?” Then, the youngers hand moved from his leg to his crotch, palming him through his jeans. “How could you, Channie?” he almost-moaned and Himchan felt himself getting hard.

Himchan suddenly woke up. It took him a few seconds to realize this had just been a dream. He looked over to Jongup, who looked back at him. “You okay, Channie?”

“Uh, yeah, I just...” he cleared his throat and realized he had a little problem in his pants. “I just had a weird dream.”

Jongup didn't answer, so Himchan raised his head to look at the boy, who just stared at him with an expression, Himchan had never seen on his face before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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