"NOTHING, see you there," Kaito replies almost immediately.
"Err okay bye Kaito."

He hung up on me. Oh thank god I survived...I thought I might die. His voice is so soothing, though I wonder what he muttered.
Must've been something he didn't want me to hear based on how early the phone call ended. Even though I was extremely nervous, I wish we could've talked even just a second longer...it would've been worth it. I sighed relieved that I made it passed. It was almost time to go to gumi's recording studio to record the song. I should get my outfit on. Quickly I grabbed my clothes and slid them on. God why does my costume designer always make my clothes so tight?
I worse a white suit with gold patterns outlining it down to my knees and a yellow/white patterned fabric connecting to both arms. The front had a black tie. A little overboard I think considering this is recording like always.

I staggered to the empty gap where my door was. Dang it my door hasn't been replaced? Ugh Rin I love you but you can be such a pain. Ignoring the door, I slipped down the stairs and took a right to find Kaito all dressed and ready. His outfit matched mine but has stunning blue and purple colors from bottom to the top with a v neck and light blue scarf. My heart almost skipped a beat. Kaito's outfit matched him perfectly. Just before I could compliment him the other vocaloids surrounded us.

"Hahahahahahahaaaaa Kaito your I think your dresser went rogue because you look like a man in a mid life crisis!" Gumi joked.

"YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!" Teto agreed.

"I think you look stunning Kai." Miku complimented. My heart sank.

"Thank you Miku. At least you show some damn respect." Kaito said looking at Rin, Teto, and Gumi all giggling in the left corner.

"I think you look um uhhhhh! I mean you- you look really good!" I said stammered blushing.

Kaito looked surprised for a moment but then it fell into a kind grin.

"Awww that's so sweet that you said that Len-Len!" the tealette smiled.

"Kaito you look nice but Len has got it going on." Meiko said taking another swing of fireball. She almost fell over walking. Up behind here was her friend Haku running after her.

"Sorry I tried to keep her on the couch and kept hiding her alcohol but she just kept somehow getting more." Haku confessed. Not a surprise.

"Wow Meiko's not wrong you look sick Len." Haku said doing a cartoon whistle.

"I think my recording is Thursday or perhaps it was Saturday?" Rin questioned.

"Where's Lilly?" Gumi asked. Meiko perked up. Not a surprise since Meiko and Lilly are a couple now.

"She's recording in Toronto for her newest performance. We've reminded you over and over." Luka replied rolling her eyes.

"I can't wait to record my newest song next Tuesday." Miku said talking Kaito.

"Well enough chit chat, we should probably get them to my recording studio." Gumi pointed out gesturing to us.

"Okay I can drive I'm mostly over my hangove- Meiko was cut off.

"Heck NO! I'll drive. Let's go guys." Luka motioned.

Her studio isn't that far away, it's like a mile or two away. Expecting a normal interaction there, little did I know how this song will change the course of my expectations of Kaito forever.

"Today is the day. The day Len understands." Kaito thought.

I edited a little. I think I personally like the story better this way.

An argument on Miku in KNIFE

Fans of miku: Nevermind Len look at Miku in that hot outfit. She's my pear shaped goddess.

Other fans: Uh no way. She's definitely not pear shaped. She's an asparagus. I mean look at those hips!

Me an hour later: Does it really matter? :P

Both groups of fans: YAS!

I'll order a banana split. Len x Kaito DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now