First day of school Part 2

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Amy's pov

Emma and I enter the class full of seniors we the only two Juniors here which sucks.
My attention goes to the person right at the back
Jacob is in this class??!?!? Well great here goes this day

Emma and I take the seats right in front next to each other as the teacher enters the classroom
Well a middle-aged cranky looking teacher to be exact. "Well well it's good to be back teaching another year of history how exciting, Well I'm Mrs Goldberg your history teacher of the year" she lets out her squeaky voice and I try my best to hold in my laughter

"I see we got two Juniors well a new one would you stand up and introduce yourself Miss?" Damn she had to put me on the spot
I can feel Jacob's eyes piercing on me I get up and make my way to the front
"Uhm my name is Amy Anderson I'm from NewYork"
Everyone looks at me uninterested and I roll my eyes because I hate introducing myself
I take my seat and Mrs Goldenpoop continues yes right Goldenpoop because she was being bitchy
"Interesting, anyways class as you know I take no nonsense I will be discussing y'alls research assignment tomorrow and pairing y'all up"
I mentally block out her voice for the rest of the period

Skip to lunch

Home Econ  sucked well because Emma wasn't there and I got paired up with that blondie from homeroom for our project which sucks because who the hell wants to bake a cake for the next whole month with that dipshit sometimes I wish I was a brainy

I enter the cafeteria and I spot Emma right away
She's a inch taller than me with long blonde straight hair and green eyes  and fair in complexion
I sit right across her "Hey Em" I smile at her
"Oh hey Amy, how was home econ, meet any hotties?" She laughs "wow you not as innocent as I think  and for the record no I didn't  in fact I got paired up with that dipshit from homeroom for our project, I even forgot his name and stormed right out before he could speak" I go off telling her and she laughs her guts out
"You mean Dylan Carter and Goodluck with him his really dumb" she continues laughing
"Well gee thanks bestie for making me feel better" I let out some sarcasm

As Emma and I continue with our conversation Caleb and Asher approaches us
"Hey lil sis I see you made a friend well I'll be right over there if ya need me, see you after school" he smiles at me and walks off  "Well see you around Amy" Asher says and I can't help but notice the shyness he has torwards Emma, right Emma who is now looking at me like I just had sex in front of the whole school

"Okay why did the Caleb Reece call you lil sis and why did the Asher William's tell you he'll see you around??" Oh god
"Well Caleb is my step brother and Asher happens to be his Friend? What's the big deal?" I look at her confused and she looks shocked
"Don't you get it dumbo??? Why all those girls looked like they wanted to murder you, That whole crew are the golden boys of the school and Caleb is every girls dream but only one girl is his dream which you know is Casey , Asher is the friendly one well his like super hot" I see her blush as she mentions Asher's name "Luke is dating Amber, Jason is the cocky one and Jacob over there the one that was staring at you in history class like you a piece of meat,well his the fuck boy of the school although he has a girl but we all know they cheat on each other they all on the football team"

I just look at her shocked, I didn't think they was that popular "wow I didn't know they was that popular and Jacob wasn't staring at me pasht, and I saw that you know" I raise my eyebrow
"Uh--- saw whaa-t?" Embarrassment washes over her face "I saw you blush when you mentioned Asher's name and I saw how shy he was, did you two hook up?" I ask her curiously  "God no Amy we didn't hook up ever Asher is my crush from middle school" she throws her hand over her mouth realising what she said "Ha I knew it, does he know?" I can't help but smile "Noooo hell nooo and he will never know, Anyway why would he like me, oh my god Amy please don't tell him or anyone" she rants 
"Don't worry girl, but we will do something about it soon" I give her assurance

I had to come up with an idea to hook the two of them up
Mission Cupid101 on the go!! Okay that sounded dumb
Lunch finally comes to an end

We are currently walking to our English class and I bump into something....more like someone
I gather my books and in front of me stands a malibu barbie the one I saw in homeroom
She looks down on me with a irritated face and I get up to face her
"Well look who it is, if it isn't the bitch with the big mouth, look here hun I get that you defended your little nerd Friend over here but don't you ever talk to my boyfriend like that again or else-" and I cut her off this time with the whole school staring at us because of the scene she caused "or else what? Listen here you cake faced barbie I'm not scared of you and you should watch where you walk, as for my mouth I can say whatever I want you can't stop me, As for your dipshit boyfriend who has a pea-sized brain I must let you know I'm paired up with him for that stupid project but don't come here with your pointless threats because I'm not scared and neither do I want your boyfriend who by the way I  saw him smashing his face into that brunette earlier but here take my bottled water" I shove the bottle at her "you sure look hella thirsty" I walk away and everyone has shock written over their face including Jacob.

"Whoa did you just tell the Caela Black off?? Damn girl you have some guts because she's like the Regina George off this school, gets whatever she wants and no one stands up to her" Emma tells me in shock
"Regina George really? Well I'm guessing  you forgetting that Regina George gets hit by bus and I'm not scared of any Malibu barbie, she looks like she's holding the whole schools foundation on her face" Emma bursts into laughter
"Well I guess we are best friends"
We enter english class
And the rest of the day goes smoothly


I hope you like this chapter

Let me know what you think xxx
I'm thinking off adding Emma's pov in the next chapter

Once again thank you for your time

Hmu on Instagram imma_xx_nobody

Stay safe out there guyys during this crucial time where covid-19 has control over our lives

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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