New begginings

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Looking as everything fades away damn I'm going to miss this place I think to myself  it's 5am and I'm in the car on my way to the Airport  because I'm going back  to the place I was born California for the break well that's what I think . Honestly I didn't really want to leave New York City because everyone was here, my two best friends Karly and Cassie, even my perfect boyfriend James, I spent the last day with them not knowing it was my last day.

One day before 
"I'll see you guys next week Okay?" I told them giving them tight hugs as they were going home after spending the day at my place
"What if you don't come back Amy? No offence but I don't really trust your dad's words after all that has happened" Cassie said to me with a really curious face
It had me thinking what if i really don't come back? What's going to happen to James and I?
What about my best friends?
I had so many questions in my mind right now
"HELLOOOOO earth to Amyy" Karly waved her hands getting my attention back to them
"Right yeah sorry but don't worry I'll just be spending a week at mom's as dad said I have to do this if I wanted things to go back to normal and I'll be right back here" I assured them, honestly thought really gave me a weird feeling
What if dad doesn't comeback for me?
And too top all of that up my phone broke like a week ago
Well thats a story for another time.
"I love you guys take care I'll try to phone you guys of I can" i told Cassie and Karly
As I watched my two best friends leave James hugs me from behind
"I'm going to miss you, you know that?"
It's not like I'm going forever.I hope
"Come on James it's only for a week, besides you got Connor to keep you company" I told him,Connor was James best friend  also Cassie's boyfriend.
"What if you don't come back uh? What am I suppose to do without you?" He asked me and honestly his words really hit deep
Once again what if i really don't come back?
"I promise I'll be back, now go it's getting late I love you remember" I told him giving him a kiss and watching him leave as he screams  "I love you too and if you don't come back I'll Come find You." I let out a little chuckle damn I have a crazy boyfriend

Back to the present day
" This will give you a great opportunity to spend time with your mum and get things done" dad suddenly said breaking me away from my thoughts
"Yeah I guess so, if that'd ever happen" I tell him
"You know Amy you gotta start thinking positive she's your mum after all" dad gives me a stern reply
" look dad I don't really want to talk right now is not the time for this conversation" I continue to look out the window on the way to the Airport
Dad said he'll come with me right to California turns out its not going to happen
We arrived at the Airport half an hour later and I go check it while dad is on a phone call
Making my way to board the plane I wonder what's taking him so long i think to myself
And this is where all hell breaks loose
"Look Amy I wanted to tell you that I can't come with you I have work to do here but your uncle Drew will be waiting for you at the Airport" he said and that's where I feel tears burning in my eyes
His really leaving
"So you lied to me to get me here and now you going to leave me? Wow dad" I said as tears gush down my face
"Look Amy now is not the time I'll Come and get you at the end of the holidays now go before you miss your plane"
He says and with that he walks away dammit I don't even have a phone to contact Karly and Cassie
I board the plane and  so the journey begins

So it's my first time writing please let me know what you think in the comments
Updates will be slow as it is my final year of school  and everything is a rush
No promises on daily updates
Thanks for your time 💮

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