D o Y o u T r u s t M e ?

Start from the beginning

Upstairs it was clear as day the mothers didn't appreciate their kids being thrown out of rehearsal, and they were doing a pretty good job at hiding it. Well, most of them. Joanne had no problem sharing her opinion her on Gia being kicked out of rehearsal. So when she cleared her throat six pairs of eyes turned to her in annoyance, "See, I don't like that! That's disrespectful," Some of the mothers smiled thinking she was complaining about Abby they disappeared as soon as they came though, "my daughter should not be kicked out of dance because of someone else's incompetence!" 

Joanne genuinely though Gia was pretty perfect and she didn't have sickled feet or need corrections like the other children. Joanne was also delusional. She also didn't like the way Abby was treating the new kids, "And that new girl should be the one being thrown out of rehearsal, I mean she's the one making all the mistakes!" Joanne was incredibly delusional. 

|| Really Joanne? Are these new dancers your hill to die on? Seriously?! ||  - Ashley Hosbach

|| You would think she was a toddler by the way she complains, honestly it's like this grown ass woman is threatened by my children || - Sandy Hatchet

Sandy was sick of the mothers. Well most of them anyway, Michelle, Ashley and her had planned to go out for coffee in Delaware, but everyone else she couldn't stand. Especially Joanne. Joanne got on Sandy' nerves in a way she didn't know was possible, but she was here so her daughter (and her best friend) could get a good dance education so she politely rolled her eyes and when Joanne wasn't looking stuck her tongue out.

 Joanne got on Sandy' nerves in a way she didn't know was possible, but she was here so her daughter (and her best friend) could get a good dance education so she politely rolled her eyes and when Joanne wasn't looking stuck her tongue out

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"Amelia you don't trust Max, at all okay? You think he's going to hurt you, maybe by leaving, make me see that." Abby was someone that set high expectations, but that was usually with the kids she taught, but this routine was not only being learnt in one day and also forced the kids to act, which one of them clearly struggled more than the other. "Max! She's pushing you away, fight for her to stay! Emote Max!" She wasn't yelling, no yelling implied she was mad, she was simply frustrated because she saw how Max preformed and as of right now Max wasn't dancing like that, so she tried a new tactic. She stopped the music and asked something Max never thought he would be asked, "What would you do if Amelia wasn't talking to you?"

|| Max isn't acting like I know he can so to get him into character I ask him a question, to you know make him think || - Abby Lee Miller

Amelia wore a shocked face, but Max had an answer straight away, "I'd fight, I'd fight until I had no more fight in me," The answer seemed almost rehearsed like it had been thought about. And it had been. A lot. Max had lost a lot of people in his life, and he never wanted to lose Amelia. Never.

Abby seemed pretty pleased with the response and told them to run the duet again, seeing as the bus was just about to come, and that wasn't the only thing.

|| Abby has a lot of nerve kicking my kid out of rehearsal for doing nothing wrong! That new girl is all over the place with the choreo, Brady needs to be dancing with someone he knows, like Gia! || - Joanne  Paolantonio

Joanne was fuming. She didn't like how her Gia was being pushed to the side, like trash. She was a star! So when she heard Abby tell the to newbies to run their duet until the bus came instead of watching her little girl in the group dance, she came barreling  down the stairs ready to speak her mind. Or well, yell her mind.

When she got down stairs the kids were almost finished their duet and it was time for their big lift, that's when the yelling started

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When she got down stairs the kids were almost finished their duet and it was time for their big lift, that's when the yelling started. "Abby why aren't you running the group? Aren't they more important than these two who you haven't trained? They don't dance as well as the others! It's stupid! My kid could dance circles around them!" When she yelled the last bit scared Max and he turned too late to catch Amelia, which Joanne wasn't mad at. "See! They can't even do the dance properly!" 

|| Joanne is crazy with a capital C! I mean what possessed her to think that interrupting rehearsal was a good idea? || - Abby Lee Miller

Max was helping Amelia up when he heard this grown woman insult them and it would not slide. "The only reason I wasn't able to catch her was you yelling at the educator in the room, Miss Abby is the dance teacher here and it's her studio so do you mind leaving so we can practice?" He kept a calm tone, knowing if he raised his voice even slightly he would be considered bratty and rude and Max knew something that Joanne didn't. 

Joanne was flabbergasted to see this child speaking to her like that, it was the height of rudeness (to her at least), especially this new kid. So she for lack of some better words she told him to, "shut up and let the adult do the talking," and that did not sit well with someone. That someone being Amelia.

Sure Amelia was quiet, but just because she was quiet didn't mean she had opinions

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Sure Amelia was quiet, but just because she was quiet didn't mean she had opinions. She had a lot of them. She thought the group dance had a beautiful message and choreo but didn't show off all the dancers strong suits. She thought that her duet didn't show case Max's technique. She also thought that Joanne was incredibly rude. Like as bad as some of the mothers at her old studio, and they once told Amelia to shut up for opening her mouth. 

Now those mothers would make for a good TV show.

But she never got to voice these opinions, either she was too scared or something interrupted her. This time it was the latter. Gianna looked out the window and informed them that the bus was there ready to take them to competition.

                                          || Here goes nothing || - Amelia Hatchet

Not my best work, and it took a while to get out, but this is possibly the largest chapter I've ever written, so yay? Anyways, next chapter will be the competition and that'll be fun! How do you think the number's will place? Remember to:



And check out my other stories! 

Peace Out Girl (and other) Scouts!

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