A b b y K n o w s B e s t

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Amelia was standing in Studio A, waiting for Abby to start the choreography, when unexpectedly Abby asked her a question, "So you're a turner right?" Amelia wordlessly nodded unsure of what would happen, "Can you quickly show me your best combo, just so we can try to incorporate it into your solo?" Amelia quickly prepped herself, this was like another audition, and did a combo of seven ala secondes, into a few pirouettes, back into her ala secondes then to finish it off just four back attitudes, (flawlessly). Abby smiled, then regained her composure and swiveled in her chair to face Gianna, "You think we can work that in?"

Gianna, who was also stunned and was actually allow to show it, nodded and answered her boss coyly, "I think we can find some space for it," but Gianna was even more excited on the inside, someone who could turn like that could not be a one trick pony, could they? 

Upstairs in Mommy Jail, it was a bit different of a case, when the moms saw Amelia turning then showing off other tricks she had in her arsenal, it worried them for their children's spots on the team. They could only hope that she had a really bad habit, like sickled feet. Only three moms seemed to appreciate the little demonstration Amelia was putting on for Abby: Sandy, Tricia and Michelle. 

Now Sandy and Tricia made sense but Michelle was mesmerized by the fluidity of Amelia when she danced, normally she looked really stiff but it seemed as though she had let go of a weight now that she was dancing. So Michelle made a comment about it to Sandy, "She's really good, I don't think I've ever seen her look so care free," Sandy smiled despite herself, knowing that the comment was innocent, but being in this environment made her feel like it was the world against her, her daughter and her daughter's best friend. Them against the world, like it had always been.

|| I think both Amelia and Max would be great additions to the team, the only problem is getting some of the other moms to think so too! || - Michelle Georgiana 

Of course with the moms, nothing was ever innocent, someone always had something to say, some drama to stir, "So Michelle, why were you late for pyramid today? Like, we all know when pyramid is supposed to be on, so like what's more important than your daughter?" Joanne asked raising her eyebrows, not really caring about whatever answer Michelle was going to give her.

Michelle simply rolled her eyes and told Joanne that it was none of her business, which just made Joanne more intrigued. What would Michelle be doing that she felt she couldn't tell anyone?  "Oh, were you back with your friends at Studio 19?" Joanne said the name of the studio like it was poison on her tongue, which it really could've been. Joanne seemed to hate Studio 19, a lot. For no good reason.

Michelle stiffened at the sound of her old studio that caused so much drama last season, "I don't need to defend myself to you Joanne, okay? I wasn't at Studio 19 because I don't go there anymore! YOU GOT THAT! STAY OUT OF MY BUSINUESS!" Michelle got progressively more worked up the more she defended herself and ended up standing up yelling at Joanne, which was not something she wanted to do.

|| I'm stick of Joanne strutting around like a peacock! I hope Sarah or Amelia beats GiaNina at the competition this week, just to knock her down a peg! I don't even care who does it! || - Michelle Georgiana

|| Michelle has the nerve to yell at me for asking a simple question? Not today! || - Joanne Paolantonio 

"Do you see how stupid they look?" Abby pointed to the two mothers who were currently screaming at each other while she faced Amelia who had stopped for a drink, "Don't ever let your mother act like that, okay?" The young girl nodded whilst wiping sweat off of her forehead, "Because their actions don't just affect them, in this studio it affects everyone because we are a team," While Amelia understood Abby' logic in theory, in practice it didn't seem to work as well as she'd hoped.

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