"Okay, let's get going, everybody! The world's not gonna save itself!!"

Everyone agreed with a cheer.


Y/N leaned against the wall, thinking.

"This universe is nothing like mine. I guess the world can be different depending on the timeline. But everyone that I know are... different in their normal way. I mean, they're kinda the same people. This is so weird."

She looked at herself, knowing what happened in the portal must have somehow changed her appearance as she wondered why it did that and why did it bring her here for. Just then Knuckles came in with a biggest smile on his face she had ever seen.

"I've just received some incredible news! Sonic is alive!"

"What?!" Y/N shot up in surprise.

"No way! That's excellent!" Silver exclaimed with a bright smile on his face, sounding relieved.

"What?! Oh, thank goodness! I knew it. I knew it!" Amy excitedly said.

Y/N sighed in relief that Sonic is okay.

"He's captured in the orbiting prison. My spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell, and they've been torturing him for months." Knuckles told them.

"That's horrible! We have to rescue him!" Amy said, horrified.

"Indeed!" Y/N nodded in agreement.

"Plan's already happening, Amy. I've got a squad on the way to the Space Port in the Chemical Plant to 'borrow' a shuttle. C'mon, guys! Who's up for an old-school style jailbreak?"

"Count me in!" Y/N said and looked at her clothes. "As soon as I change this outfit. This doesn't suit me."

"There's a changing room over there. I bet you there will be some clothes that you like." Amy pointed to the direction.

"Thanks, Amy."

Y/N walked in as everyone went back to their conversation.

"Say, does everyone had a feeling like we know Y/N from somewhere?" Silver asked.

"Yeah, I thought I remember her... Though I can't put my finger on it..." Amy said, rubbing the back of her head.

"We'll talk about that later." Knuckles said.

"I'm ready!"

Everyone turned to see her in a black jumpsuit with white skull in the middle, white knee caps, black fingerless gloves, dark grey shoes, and infrared scope attached to her left eye. (Picture on top) Knuckles, Silver, and Espio couldn't help but find her rather pretty and hot in that outfit.


Y/N arrived at the Chemical Plant Spaceport as she ran through the pipes and hooked onto the roof with her wrist-mounted grappling hook and swung over to where the robots are standing. Espio's voice can be heard over her radio.

"Espio here. My team's engaging the enemy in the orbital tunnel! I think we can hold them off for now. No, wait! Watch out! The masked one's here! The monster that took down Sonic!"

"The jackal guy?!" Y/N yelled in shock, remembering him as she took down the robots.

"Stay focused, Y/N! We're off to find a shuttle!" Vector said.

"Looks like I'm on my own. That's fine. I can do this."

Y/N then swiftly finished the robots off using her wispon.

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