New Years

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Spike said he didnt want to tell anyone. That made me kinda upset, so I asked when we could tell. He said the end of 8th grade. What the fuck!? I thought. Were still in 7th. That's 2 whole years that I have to pretend like were not even together. This is gonna suck.

Winter Break was boring. Nothing much happened. I didn't talk to Spike at all. But Monsta came over and we had fun.

She came over again on December 31st. We pulled an all nighter on Skype with Annabelle. It was fun.

The next few days, I just sat at home watching movies.

Saturday, 2 days before school started, I woke up at 2 pm to see that Spike had spammed me. I texted him and he "had to go" 3 minutes later.

Sure... I thought.

I texted him again like 2 hours later. Again, he had to go like 3 minutes later.

I just rolled my eyes and texted Monsta and her cousin. They're fun and they are always there. Unlike someone...

The next day, I painted me nails 49ers colors (Cali girl, Sorry) and just relaxed and thought about school. School. Ugh this won't be fun at all.

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