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I slowly got up in the morning, dreading the thought of school.

I really didn't want to try. I didn't do my hair. I didn't put on makeup.

I had put my hair up in a ponytail the night before. That morning, I just braided one strand of the ponytail and let it sit.

I wore a floral tanktop with a light brown sweater. I also wore my light jeans and brown Western Boots.

When I got to school, I put my stuff down and the bell rang. I walked over the the line. The whole school said the pledge and I just stood there, thinking.

Then we went into class and took a spelling test. I got 21/20 so I don't have to take it on Friday.

The nest class was Science. I grabbed my books and was about to put them in my backpack when the teacher said, "Oh yeah, the sub cancelled at last minute so no science today."

I was so relieved.

Then we had recess.

Then math.

We learned new stuff.

Already knew it.

Then reading.

We worked on stuff.

Finished it.

Then lunch. I didn't sit with the people I normally sat with. Olivia and Carly were absent, but Sammy was still there, so I sat next to her.

We laughed and had fun.

Then we had lunch recess.

I had a full pack of Ice Breakers and I would taunt the 4 Square boys with them.

I knew it was mean, but it was fun.

I still gave them some so it's okay. Don't judge.

When they were all gone, I didn't say so. I just yelled, "WHO WANTS THE REST!?"

They all jumped up and down and screamed, "ME ME ME"

I laughed and threw the empty packet in the air.

Spike caught it and realized it was empty.

He just shrugged, took off the sticker, put it on his shirt, and put the empty packet in his pocket.

Then we had History, no work really.

Then we would usually have PE, but this time, we were going to help our 1st Grade buddies with a project.

It was fun. We finished the project.

Then the day was over and I went on the bus.

When I got home, I ate a snack then did my HW. After my HW, I grabbed $5, shoved it in my pocket, and begged my older brother to take me to the store until he gave up and agreed.

I got Hershey's Kisses, and a box of cereal.

I went home and had a bowl of cereal and put the Kisses in my backpack.

For a while, I just watched my broyher play GTA 5 and listened to music.

After dinner, I went to bed. I didn't sleep for a while though. I just layed there thinking about tomorrow.

Hopefully, we don't have science again. But with my luck, we probably will.

I thought about ways to avoid speaking to Spike, and eventually fell asleep.

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