Ryan gets up and claps. "Taissa, I'm not just saying this because I like you, but wow that was the best performance I have seen all day. Vera has taught you well." I blush and thank him endlessly. He flashes a smile and then turns to his co-workers. They all nod in unison. "I know this might sound a little nuts, since we only just meet, but we're offering you the job. Will you be my Violet?" He puts his hands together to imitate begging. My mouth falls open and I nod my head multiple times. Ryan Murphy is begging me to be apart of his cast.

"Yes!" I exclaim and grin so wide I think my cheeks my permanently stay plump. He hands me a bunch of paperwork and asks me to follow the man from earlier to a small room

When I walk in I assume this is where the other's who've been hired are but sit alone. I glance around the room and notice Jessica Lange, Sarah Paulson, and Dylan McDermott and a few actors who I don't recognize but can tell they've been in a few good works. I scan the room for a seat closer to my co-workers and decide to plop next to a guy who looks about my age. When he turns around who is so familiar. I stare for another second, and then he looks at me right in the eye. I know exactly who it is.

"Hi I'm Taissa," I mumble and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I avoid looking into his eyes because I'm positive I won't look away.

"Evan Peters," he practically yells. I glance up and notice he's smiling from ear to ear thus revealing his dimples. I can't believe that he's actually on the cast. Is that luck or what? "I really love your name. It's so...unique."

I feel my cheeks burn red and a smile forces to spread across my face. "I play Violet Harmon," I blurt not realizing he may not even want to speak to me. "The misunderstood teenager in love with a psychopath. Who do you play?" I ask, trying to seem as if my early statement had a purpose.

"The psychopath," he says with a smirk. I open my mouth slightly and raise my brows. Then I throw my head back and laugh to cover up being embarrassed.

When he places his clammy hand over mine I feel a jolt of energy run through my entire body, but then I remember he has a girlfriend and is probably just being polite since it's so obvious that I'm new at this.

My smile fades because I don't want to act. I want it to be real. I stare at his face as I think of all the possible ways we could be together.

"Taissa? Earth to Taissa," Evan says while waving his hand in my face.

"S-sorry. I've got a headache. What did you say?" I mutter and look to the ground to refrain from coming off creepy.

"I was saying we should grab dinner. Ya know to get to know each other for the sake of the show," he says and shrugs his shoulders.

"That sounds great!" I say a bit too cheerfully.

"Okay meet me by my car after this is over? I drive the black Acura TL," he says and then squeezes my knee.

"Sounds perfect" I smile and take in his musky cologne.

"Okay Taissa, I've got to see Ryan. Can't wait for our date," he states and then winks. As he walks away I take deep breaths and try to relax because he said date.

"Me either!" I finally muster up and yell. He turns around as he's almost to the door and smiles.

Once he's out of my sight I realize I'm the last one in the room and I'm actually kind of freaked out because it's dark outside and I'm not sure who could walk in next. Just as I'm about to call up Vera to keep my company as wait, Ryan shouts my name from the doorframe and waves me over. He guides up to another room with a large table and hands me a thick book that I'm notified is the scrip for the first episode and a description. "Now, Taissa, I want you to read the description and lines well. I prepared how Violet would feel and normally act so you can truly transform to her, but don't stress because this Wednesday we're only doing a read through. Be here at ten am. Have a good night," he closes the day with a smile and gestures to the door.

I sigh quietly and drag myself to the door. "Thank you! See you then!" I turn back to smile.

I dial a cab but then I remember that Evan and I have a date so I look for his car finally spot it. I creep towards the Acura and tap on the window to surprise him but he doesn't seem to be shocked. He smiles up to me so I grab the door handle to slide in but he locks and unlocks it quickly so I can't get in. I giggle and pout until he unlocks the door for good.

"You're so funny Evan!" I say and roll my eyes but he pokes me and then chuckles.

"Oh Taissa you haven't seen the smallest bit. Anyways, where would you like to eat? I like most anything," he says while facing me and licking his lips.

"Well, I really like this sushi place, if you're into it," I say and stare at his flawless face.

"Definitely!" he says with a teethy grin. "My girlfriend, Emma, hates sushi..." I look down and feel a pang of sadness come over me. I completely forgot about Emma. This can't be a date like I thought. It's more like a hangout but he must feel so bad for me that he had to call it a date just so I could go out.

"Oh... well let's go then. My treat!" I say to avoid the awkward questions of why my mood suddenly changed.

"You wish, Farmiga! The guys always pay on the first date." I look up from the ground and slightly crinkle my forehead. How can we be going on a date if her has a girlfriend? Then it hits me- maybe he wants an easy fuck since Emma's always busy. "What place, Tais? Oh, is it cool if I call you that?" his deep voice interrupts my thoughts.

I exhale loudly and smile at the adorable nickname. "Yes! And well, I love this place called Cloud Nine.They have the best rolls! You have to get the Sunday Morning roll. It is perfection and half price after 5pm!" I chime and stare into his dark eyes. For some reason I can't figure out his intentions but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, relationships are complicated.

"My friends have raved about that place but I haven't made it there yet. Guess you're popping my cherry,"he winks and I can almost feel my face turn red, being that I'm a virgin. I nod my head and start his car navigation. Before we leave he flashes his perfect smile at me and slides his hand on my knee to let me know to relax. Of course, this only aids my shyness.

When we pull to the small shack Evan opens the door for me and leads us to the restaurant to be seated at the sushi bar. While we wait for the drinks he attempts to use chopsticks but I insist on helping so when he grabs my hand to show him I feel my entire body shake. Luckily, our waters arrive and give me an excuse to be quiet until I think of something witty to say.

This will be an interesting night.

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