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The orphanage.

I hate it there.

I've rarely stayed, only during the times when nobody wanted me and I had live somewhere. It was always a day or two, then someone always took me in. 

But now, I was going to be here for a while. Since I was picked up from Albert and Kirsten's house earlier than expected, and it's against the law for a child to live without adult supervision.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd rather be here than the streets, but that doesn't stop me from not hating it.

I never talk to anyone else willingly. I just hang out by myself, in my own thoughts. And nowadays, I had a lot to think about.

How was Albert doing? What about Kirsten? When would Noah know I'd left? Or did he already know? Did anyone miss me?

Probably not, not with all the problems I've caused.

Albert was even making me a YouTube channel, and Noah and I were becoming so close. I tried not to think about how Albert probably had to do an apology video for my actions, explaining my shortened period of time there.

I would give anything to be back there. But do I really want to be back there? Knowing that they were suffering after everything I'd done?

And then there's the question of whether or not they want me back.

For the next week, it was quiet for me. I have a reputation of not being the nicest person, so the other kids didn't bother me. It was peaceful, in a way. 

I guess even the caretakers heard what happened, because they stayed out of my way, too.

But in a different, more uncomfortable way, it was like being trapped in a time loop. I'd wake up, and my mind immediately goes to a memory I had there. 

Every day it'll be a new memory I relive over and over again. Whether it was with Albert, Kirsten, Noah, Bedrock, Jake or Kaden, it could've been anyone.

Arriving for the first time. My first video with Albert. Ice cream with Noah. Watching the sunset. Eating a sandwich with Kirsten. Wiping out on my skateboard after Noah challenged me to a race down the street.

I'd eat breakfast, keep to myself, do my everyday stuff, and just keep thinking about all of it. I was starting to get scared. What if I never got out of this loop?

And then there was the scene at VidCon. I helplessly had to re-watch it all, unable to escape from it.

It was horrible. I was beginning to lose hope.

Until I was called down to the office.

I didn't think much of it. I was always getting in trouble some way or other, whether it was stealing, disrespecting, or what they called "harassing the other kids".

It's not my fault they won't leave me alone.

I walked down the hall, half dwelling on another memory, half thinking about what I was going to say when they started chewing me out. I'd make excuses. Apologize. Promise to keep out of trouble. Not forever, just I get called down again.

I knocked and entered the room when I heard the Director call me in. Sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk, I looked up at him, waiting for him to start talking. Waiting for him to start lecturing.

"Good news, Blair," he said. He looked positively excited, which was unusual, "A family has decided to take you in permanently. Your days of being fostered are over."

"What?" This had never happened. Out of my years here, nobody I know has been actually adopted. All of us have always been fostered temporarily. "What are you talking about?"

"It's a lot to take in," the director continued, "But I promise I'm not pulling your leg. Any minute now, your new parents should enter this room and meet you."

I didn't know how to feel. Grateful, I guess? Somebody cared enough about me to adopt me. Permanently.

"Should I go get my stuff..?" I asked, not knowing what to do. There was a part of me that didn't want to meet my new parents. Not after what happened with my last ones.

"No, no," he said, waving his hand, "We'll have a caretaker get them for you. We don't want you to miss out on meeting them."


"Really, it's okay," I said, starting to stand up, "I'll go get--"

I was interrupted by the knocking coming from the door. Our eyes averted simultaneously towards the sound, and I felt my blood go cold.

"Sit!" He hissed at me, and called to the people outside the door a bit louder, "Come in!"

My heart was beating really rapidly. I was unprepared for this. I wasn't ready to see who they were going to be.

And then, I saw Albert and Kirsten come in.

"Hello!" The director said to them, "Please, sit down." I gaped at both of them as the sat in the other chairs across from the desk. Neither of them met my eyes.

I couldn't believe it. The people I thought I'd never see ever again were sitting mere feet away from me, about to sign the papers that made me legally their child forever.

"Now, you've fostered Blair before, correct?"

"Yeah." I could barely believe that Albert was here, speaking, when literally a week ago both of them were angry at me.

"Well, it says here that you've already went through the procedure, shown proof that you're competent enough to adopt a child, now all I have to do before sending you on your way is signing a few papers."

"You mean..." I choked up on the last words.

"Yes, it's true. You'll never have to come here again."

It was way too much for me. I buried my face in my hand, willing myself not to get emotional. I will never again have to see this dirty old place again. Never again will I have to move from one family to another.

I heard all of them laugh a bit from what seemed like miles away. "Now, there's no need to get emotional." I joined in a bit, trying to rub the tears away, playing it off as a joke.

So, to make it short, they signed the papers while I sobbed in the corner, some caretakers came in with my stuff and hugged me for support, which I usually hated, but I had absolutely no control of my feelings at this time, so I let them.

Then it was time. "Alright, you're all set." The director organized the papers. "Goodbye, Blair." I stood up, hoping the redness on my face was gone, and I rolled my suitcase out of the room.

Walking down the front sidewalk to Albert and Kirsten's car felt like a dream. My feet felt like bowling balls. I didn't even look back as we went down the steps. Albert helped me load my stuff into the car, and we drove off back towards the house.

The house. My home. The white house with a grey door, with a couple windows in it. I remembered how I felt stepping out of the taxi that first day. Doubting that this family was different than the rest.

Wow, I was so wrong.

We went inside, and Rocky greeted me by catapulting himself on top of me, slobbering me with dog kisses. I sprinted up the stairs three steps at a time to that very familiar room and just stood there, taking it all in.

"You okay?" Albert joined me, standing next to me, staring. Before I could stop myself, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into the biggest hug I ever remember giving someone.

"Thank you," I whispered. There was no need to say anything else. I think he understood perfectly clear.

"No, Blair, thank you." I took in the words he told me. I heard Kirsten come and join in on the group hug.

I was home.

The End

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