I must say that Joke whas Funny i could not hold my laughter in

Aizawa:Didn't your parents Teach you to be nice around adu-

Y/N:My parents are death i may look and be 13 But i am mutch older then that So miss Midnight there is no problem for you~

Y/N then holded Midnights hand and kissed it

Midnight:Oh my~

Nezu:Well Y/N you will be in Class 1-À with Aizawa hope that it will go good with the other students.Oh and Aizawa be more polite to our new student.
—————————————Deko Pov———————
Uraraka:Have you guys heard that there will be à new student that will join our school.

Izuku:R-realy i hope that hé could be nice.

Bakugo:It doesn't matter i crush hime like all the other extra's!

Lida:Bakugo don't be So mean when you meet à new person!

Aizawa:Alright everyone shut up the new student will come up and talk about himself now come over and talk about yourself.


As the new student arived i saw that hé kinda no hé had sailors costume on

Y/n:Hello my name is Y/n Johnny Joestar but call me Y/N i am not original from Japan I am a half American half Britsih person i am technicaly 13 years old and à new student its à pleasure to meet you all.

Izuku:I can't tell if that whas sarcasme or hé is just very tired

Y/n:My quirk is not à handy one So is don't know why i am here but i'm ok with that however i have something else as à power and it's not à quirk but i will talk about it latter.

Wait hé has a what?

Bakugo:Oi Sailer Guy!!I will kill y-Hmm!!

Bakugo wanted to say something but it looks like hé whas Choking on something...could it be the new student power?

Y/N:Listen Spike hair if You are going to be à horse shit then So be it but don't interupt me while i am talking is that clear?

Then Bakugo whas Let go

Bakugo:You f-

Y/n slapper Bakugo on thé face that Made Him falk and then kicked hime in the ribs

Y/n:I said...is that clear!?

Lina:Stop that is no way to behave in class!

Y/N:Well where i am from everyone use to be like this in the bars So don't act like this is new.

Uraraka:B-but this is a school.

Y/N:Oh? Well then i gues i'm sorry where do i sit?

Aizawa:For now you will have to sit behind  Midoria becues some idiot was sick.

Y/N came behind me and it looks like he never entered a clasroom

---------------Y/N POV---------------

These idiots have been asking me quistions for almost more than 1 hour

Kirishima:Can you show us your quirk?

Y/N:I gues.

I just summoned Slow dancer and they all looked kinda confused

Jiro:What the?

Y/N:This is my horse quirk i can summon a horse people can see it but they can't touch it.

Then some Green brocoli boy took out a book and whas...writing things down?

Y/N:Hey Green hair boy what are you writing?

Izuku:O-oh s-sorry my name is Izuku Midoria it's a pleasure to meet you and i am intrested in what quirks so i write down everyon quirks down.

Lida:Didn't you say you had a other power?

Kirishima:Yeah show it us!

Y/N:Well ok then... TUSK ACTO 1 

When i did that i just made my nails spin many had a weard and curiuos look

Midoria:W-wow that is so cool What c-can it do?

Y/N:Well i can use my nails as bullets and they regrow imediatly.

Mina:You said act 1,are there more?

Y/N:Yes but i won't tell them.

Bakugo:Is it becues there useless!?

Y/N:No becues there complicated to understand for your dum fucking horse ass!

Aizawa:Ok Bakugo stop anoying the new kid also it is lunch time.

------------------time skip------------------

i will just get my food and then get out of there there are too many people so i will get some atack i will now use a new techniece i made.





---------------Midoria POV------------


Midoria:What was that?

uraraka:Is that Y/N?

Soon whe saw Y/N on a horse running to get some food and they just went away

Kirishima:Should we ask hime what is going on?

Midoria:Yeah let's go!

-------time skip----


Ok well this school doesn't have a fork or anything like that so i just have to eat with my hands

???:Hehe don't you know how to eat with chopsticks.

Y/N:Who said that?

???:Don't worry i'm also in the same school as you.

Y/N:Who are you?

???:Well my name is

Himiko Toga! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Y/N:Hello there my name is Y/N Johnny Joestar but just call me Y/N.

The spinning Hero (Bnha x Jojo part 7 stand x Quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now